Source code for clustertools.analysis.orbits

""" Functions and Operations related to the cluster's orbit

__author__ = "Jeremy J Webb"
__all__ = [

from galpy.orbit import Orbit

    from galpy.util import coords,conversion
    import galpy.util.bovy_coords as coords
    import galpy.util.bovy_conversion as conversion

from galpy import potential

import numpy as np

from import interpolate, binmaker
from ..util.plots import starplot,skyplot,_plot,_lplot,_scatter
from ..util.constants import *
from ..util.units import _convert_length,_convert_time,_convert_velocity

    import amuse.units.units as u

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def initialize_orbit(cluster, from_centre=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo = None, solarmotion=None): """ Initialize a galpy orbit instance for the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- orbit : class GALPY orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units == "radec": o = Orbit( [ cluster.ra_gc, cluster.dec_gc, cluster.dist_gc, cluster.pmra_gc, cluster.pmdec_gc, cluster.vlos_gc, ], radec=True, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion, ) else: cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 cluster.to_galpy() x, y, z = cluster.xgc, cluster.ygc, cluster.zgc vx, vy, vz = cluster.vxgc, cluster.vygc, cluster.vzgc if from_centre: x+=cluster.xc y+=cluster.yc z+=cluster.zc vx+=cluster.vxc vy+=cluster.vyc vz+=cluster.vzc R, phi, z = coords.rect_to_cyl(x, y, z) vR, vT, vz = coords.rect_to_cyl_vec(vx, vy, vz, x, y, z) o = Orbit( [R, vR, vT, z, vz, phi], ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion ) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return o
[docs]def initialize_orbits(cluster, ro=None, vo=None, zo = None, solarmotion=None): """Initialize a galpy orbit for every star in the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- orbit : class GALPY orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units == "radec" and cluster.origin=='sky': vxvv=np.column_stack([cluster.ra,cluster.dec,cluster.dist,cluster.pmra,cluster.pmdec,cluster.vlos]) os = Orbit( vxvv, radec=True, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion, ) elif cluster.units == "radec" and (cluster.origin=='cluster' or cluster.origin=='centre'): print('NO METHOD FOR INITALIZING STELLAR ORBITS WITH RESPET TO CENTRE OR CLUSTER WHEN UNITS==RADEC') else: cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 cluster.to_galpy() x, y, z = cluster.x, cluster.y, cluster.z vx, vy, vz = cluster.vx, cluster.vy, cluster.vz R, phi, z = coords.rect_to_cyl(x, y, z) vR, vT, vz = coords.rect_to_cyl_vec(vx, vy, vz, x, y, z) vxvv = np.column_stack([R, vR, vT, z, vz, phi]) if cluster.origin=='cluster' or cluster.origin=='centre': os = Orbit(vxvv, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=[0,0,0]) else: os = Orbit(vxvv, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return os
def _integrate_orbit( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, from_centre=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, plot=False ): """Integrate a galpy orbit instance for the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : float show plot of cluster's orbit Returns ------- ts : float timesteps o : class galpy orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion o = initialize_orbit(cluster,from_centre=from_centre,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) if tfinal is None: tfinal=12./conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='pckms' or cluster.units=='pcmyr': tfinal/=(1000.*conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) elif cluster.units=='amuse': tfinal=tfinal.value_in(u.Gyr)/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='kpckms' or cluster.units=='radec' or cluster.units=='kpcgyr' or cluster.units=='WDunits': tfinal/=conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='nbody': tfinal*=((cluster.tbar/1000.)/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) ts = np.linspace(0, tfinal, nt) o.integrate(ts, pot) if plot: o.plot() return ts, o def _integrate_orbits( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, ro=None, vo=None,zo = None, solarmotion=None, plot=False ): """Integrate a galpy orbit instance for each star Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : float show plot of cluster's orbit Returns ------- ts : float timesteps o : class galpy orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion if tfinal is None: tfinal=12./conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='pckms' or cluster.units=='pcmyr': tfinal/=(1000.*conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) elif cluster.units=='amuse': tfinal=tfinal.value_in(u.Gyr)/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='kpckms' or cluster.units=='radec' or cluster.units=='kpcgyr' or cluster.units=='WDunits': tfinal/=conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='nbody': tfinal*=((cluster.tbar/1000.)/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) os = initialize_orbits(cluster, ro=ro,vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) ts = np.linspace(0, tfinal, nt) #integrate orbits of stars in combined potential of GC and galaxy os.integrate(ts, pot) if plot: os.plot() return ts, os
[docs]def interpolate_orbit( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, from_centre=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, ): """ Interpolate past or future position of cluster and escaped stars Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster cluster_pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 if cluster.units=='amuse': cluster.to_pckms() tfinal=tfinal.value_in(u.Myr) ts,o=_integrate_orbit(cluster, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, from_centre=from_centre, ro=ro, vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion, plot=False) if cluster.units=='radec': if cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() xgc,ygc,zgc=o.ra(ts[-1]),o.dec(ts[-1]),o.dist(ts[-1]) vxgc,vygc,vzgc=o.pmra(ts[-1]),o.pmdec(ts[-1]),o.vlos(ts[-1]) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) else: xgc,ygc,zgc=o.x(ts[-1]),o.y(ts[-1]),o.z(ts[-1]) vxgc,vygc,vzgc=o.vx(ts[-1]),o.vy(ts[-1]),o.vz(ts[-1]) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) xgc=_convert_length(xgc,'kpckms',cluster) ygc=_convert_length(ygc,'kpckms',cluster) zgc=_convert_length(zgc,'kpckms',cluster) vxgc=_convert_velocity(vxgc,'kpckms',cluster) vygc=_convert_velocity(vygc,'kpckms',cluster) vzgc=_convert_velocity(vzgc,'kpckms',cluster) return xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc
[docs]def interpolate_orbits( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None ): """ Interpolate past or future position of stars within the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 if cluster.units=='amuse': cluster.to_pckms() tfinal=tfinal.value_in(u.Myr) if cluster.origin=='centre': ts,o=_integrate_orbits(cluster, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo,solarmotion=[0,0,0], plot=False) elif cluster.origin=='cluster': ts,o=_integrate_orbits(cluster, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo,solarmotion=[0,0,0], plot=False) else: ts,o=_integrate_orbits(cluster, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=False) if cluster.units=='radec' and cluster.origin=='sky': x,y,z=o.ra(ts[-1]),o.dec(ts[-1]),o.dist(ts[-1]) vx,vy,vz=o.pmra(ts[-1]),o.pmdec(ts[-1]),o.vlos(ts[-1]) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) elif cluster.units=='radec' and (cluster.origin=='centre' or cluster.origin=='cluster'): print('CANT INTEGRATE ORBITS WITH FROM_CENTRE OR FROM_CLUSTER AND RETURN IN SKY COORDINATES') else: x,y,z=o.x(ts[-1]),o.y(ts[-1]),o.z(ts[-1]) vx,vy,vz=o.vx(ts[-1]),o.vy(ts[-1]),o.vz(ts[-1]) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) x=_convert_length(x,'kpckms',cluster) y=_convert_length(y,'kpckms',cluster) z=_convert_length(z,'kpckms',cluster) vx=_convert_velocity(vx,'kpckms',cluster) vy=_convert_velocity(vy,'kpckms',cluster) vz=_convert_velocity(vz,'kpckms',cluster) return x,y,z,vx,vy,vz
# Renamed to interpolate_orbit and interpolates_orbit, but will keep old names for legacy purposes
[docs]def orbit_interpolate( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, ): """ Interpolate past or future position of cluster and escaped stars - same as interpolate_orbit, but included for legacy purposes Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster cluster_pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ return interpolate_orbit(cluster, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, ro=ro, vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=False)
[docs]def orbits_interpolate( cluster, pot=None, tfinal=None, nt=1000, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, ): """ Interpolate past or future position of stars within the cluster - same as interpolate_orbits, but kept for legacy purposes Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ return interpolate_orbits(cluster, cluster_pot=cluster_pot, pot=pot, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, ro=ro, vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=False)
[docs]def orbital_path( cluster, tfinal=0.1, nt=1000, pot=None, from_centre=False, skypath=False, initialize=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, plot=False, **kwargs, ): """Calculate the cluster's orbital path Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) initialize : bool Initialize and return Orbit (default: False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) Returns ------- t : float times for which path is provided x,y,z : float orbit positions vx,vy,vz : float orbit velocity o : class galpy orbit (if initialize==True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ #Legacy - allow for dt to be given instead of tfinal tfinal=kwargs.get('dt',tfinal) if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion if tfinal is None: tfinal=0.1/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='pckms' or cluster.units=='pcmyr': tfinal/=(1000.*conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) elif cluster.units=='amuse': tfinal=tfinal.value_in(u.Myr)/(1000.*conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) elif cluster.units=='kpckms' or cluster.units=='radec' or cluster.units=='kpcgyr' or cluster.units=='WDunits': tfinal/=conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) elif cluster.units=='nbody': tfinal*=((cluster.tbar/1000.)/conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo)) o = initialize_orbit(cluster, from_centre=from_centre, ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) ts = np.linspace(0, -1.0 * tfinal, nt) o.integrate(ts, pot) R, phi, z = coords.rect_to_cyl(o.x(ts[-1]), o.y(ts[-1]), o.z(ts[-1])) vR, vT, vz = coords.rect_to_cyl_vec( o.vx(ts[-1]), o.vy(ts[-1]), o.vz(ts[-1]), o.x(ts[-1]), o.y(ts[-1]), o.z(ts[-1]) ) o = Orbit( [R / ro, vR / vo, vT / vo, z / ro, vz / vo, phi], ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion, ) ts = np.linspace( -1.0 * tfinal, tfinal, nt, ) o.integrate(ts, pot) if skypath: ra = np.array(o.ra(ts)) dec = np.array(o.dec(ts)) dist = np.array(o.dist(ts)) pmra = np.array(o.pmra(ts)) pmdec = np.array(o.pmdec(ts)) vlos = np.array(o.vlos(ts)) if cluster.units == "pckms" or cluster.units=='pcmyr': t = ts * conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) * 1000.0 elif cluster.units=='amuse': t = ts * conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) * 1000.0 | u.Myr elif cluster.units == "nbody": t = ts * conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) * 1000.0 / cluster.tbar elif cluster.units == "galpy": t = ts elif cluster.units=='kpckms' or cluster.units=='radec' or cluster.units=='kpcgyr' or cluster.units=='WDunits': t = ts * conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) else: print('TIME RETURNED IN GALPY UNITS') t=ts if plot: filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None) overplot = kwargs.pop("overplot", False) skyplot(cluster) plt.plot(ra,dec) if filename != None: plt.savefig(filename) if initialize: return t, ra, dec, dist, pmra, pmdec, vlos, o else: return t, ra, dec, dist, pmra, pmdec, vlos else: x = np.array(o.x(ts)) y = np.array(o.y(ts)) z = np.array(o.z(ts)) vx = np.array(o.vx(ts)) vy = np.array(o.vy(ts)) vz = np.array(o.vz(ts)) x=_convert_length(x,'kpckms',cluster) y=_convert_length(y,'kpckms',cluster) z=_convert_length(z,'kpckms',cluster) vx=_convert_velocity(vx,'kpckms',cluster) vy=_convert_velocity(vy,'kpckms',cluster) vz=_convert_velocity(vz,'kpckms',cluster) t=_convert_time(ts,'galpy',cluster) if plot: filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None) overplot = kwargs.pop("overplot", False) starplot(cluster,coords='xy',overplot=overplot) _lplot(x,y,overplot=True) if filename != None: plt.savefig(filename) if initialize: return t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, o else: return t, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz
[docs]def orbital_path_match( cluster, tfinal=0.1, nt=1000, pot=None, path=None, from_centre=False, skypath=False, to_path=False, do_full=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, plot=False, projected=False, **kwargs, ): """Match stars to a position along the orbital path of the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) path : array array of (t,x,y,x,vx,vy,vz) corresponding to the tail path. If none path is calculated (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) if True, projected is set to True to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- tstar : float orbital time associated with star dprog : float distance along the orbit to the progenitor dpath : distance to centre of the orbital path bin (Default) or the orbit path (to_path = True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ #Legacy - allow for dt to be given instead of tfinal tfinal=kwargs.get('dt',tfinal) if ro is None: ro=cluster._ro if vo is None: vo=cluster._vo if zo is None: zo=cluster._zo if solarmotion is None: solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 if skypath: cluster.to_radec() projected=True else: cluster.to_galaxy(sortstars=False) cluster.to_kpckms() if path is None: ts, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = orbital_path( cluster, tfinal=tfinal, nt=nt, pot=pot, from_centre=from_centre, skypath=skypath, initialize=False, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion, ) else: ts, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = path pindx = np.argmin(np.fabs(ts)) dx = np.tile(np.array(x), cluster.ntot).reshape( cluster.ntot, len(ts) ) - np.repeat(cluster.x, len(ts)).reshape(cluster.ntot, len(ts)) dy = np.tile(np.array(y), cluster.ntot).reshape( cluster.ntot, len(ts) ) - np.repeat(cluster.y, len(ts)).reshape(cluster.ntot, len(ts)) dz = np.tile(np.array(z), cluster.ntot).reshape( cluster.ntot, len(ts) ) - np.repeat(cluster.z, len(ts)).reshape(cluster.ntot, len(ts)) if projected: dr = np.sqrt(dx ** 2.0 + dy ** 2.0) else: dr = np.sqrt(dx ** 2.0 + dy ** 2.0 + dz ** 2.0) indx = np.argmin(dr, axis=1) tstar = ts[indx] dpath = np.amin(dr, axis=1) dxo = x[1:] - x[0:-1] dyo = y[1:] - y[0:-1] dzo = z[1:] - z[0:-1] dprogx = np.cumsum(np.fabs(dxo)) dprogy = np.cumsum(np.fabs(dyo)) dprogz = np.cumsum(np.fabs(dzo)) dprogx = np.insert(dprogx, 0, 0.0) dprogy = np.insert(dprogy, 0, 0.0) dprogz = np.insert(dprogz, 0, 0.0) if projected: dprogr = np.sqrt(dprogx ** 2.0 + dprogy ** 2.0) else: dprogr = np.sqrt(dprogx ** 2.0 + dprogy ** 2.0 + dprogz ** 2.0) dprog = dprogr[indx] - dprogr[pindx] # Find distance to path instead of to central point if to_path: dxo = np.append(dxo, dxo[-1]) dyo = np.append(dyo, dyo[-1]) dzo = np.append(dzo, dzo[-1]) if do_full: # Typically it is too expensive to calculate dpath all at once, but will allow option via do_full if projected: ovec = np.column_stack([dxo, dyo]) mag_ovec = np.sqrt(dxo ** 2.0 + dyo ** 2.0) svec = np.column_stack([dx[:, indx], dy[:, indx]]) mag_svec = dr[:, indx] theta = np.arccos([indx], svec) / (mag_ovec[indx] * mag_svec)) dpath = mag_svec * np.sin(theta) else: ovec = np.column_stack([dxo, dyo, dzo]) mag_ovec = np.sqrt(dxo ** 2.0 + dyo ** 2.0 + dzo ** 2.0) svec = np.column_stack([dx[:, indx], dy[:, indx], dz[:, indx]]) mag_svec = dr[:, indx] theta = np.arccos([indx], svec) / (mag_ovec[indx] * mag_svec)) dpath = mag_svec * np.sin(theta) else: # Need to optimize this via numba dpath = np.array([]) if projected: for i in range(0, cluster.ntot): ovec = [dxo[indx[i]], dyo[indx[i]]] mag_ovec = np.sqrt( dxo[indx[i]] ** 2.0 + dyo[indx[i]] ** 2.0) svec = [dx[i, indx[i]], dy[i, indx[i]]] mag_svec = dr[i, indx[i]] theta = np.arccos( (ovec[0] * svec[0] + ovec[1] * svec[1]) / (mag_ovec * mag_svec) ) dpath = np.append(dpath, mag_svec * np.sin(theta)) else: for i in range(0, cluster.ntot): ovec = [dxo[indx[i]], dyo[indx[i]], dzo[indx[i]]] mag_ovec = np.sqrt( dxo[indx[i]] ** 2.0 + dyo[indx[i]] ** 2.0 + dzo[indx[i]] ** 2.0 ) svec = [dx[i, indx[i]], dy[i, indx[i]], dz[i, indx[i]]] mag_svec = dr[i, indx[i]] theta = np.arccos( (ovec[0] * svec[0] + ovec[1] * svec[1] + ovec[2] * svec[2]) / (mag_ovec * mag_svec) ) dpath = np.append(dpath, mag_svec * np.sin(theta)) # Assign negative to stars with position vectors in opposite direction as local angular momentum vector if not projected: rgc = np.column_stack([x[indx], y[indx], z[indx]]) vgc = np.column_stack([vx[indx], vy[indx], vz[indx]]) lz = np.cross(rgc, vgc) rstar = np.column_stack( [ cluster.x - x[indx], cluster.y - y[indx], cluster.z - z[indx], ] ) ldot = np.sum(rstar * lz, axis=1) dpath[ldot < 0] *= -1.0 else: yindx = np.argmin(np.fabs(dy),axis=1) dpath*=np.sign(dy[np.arange(0,len(dy)),yindx]) if plot: filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None) overplot = kwargs.pop("overplot", False) if skypath: xlabel=r"$\rm D_{prog} (Degree)$" ylabel=r"$ \rm D_{path} (Degree)$" else: xlabel=r"$\rm D_{prog} (kpc)$" ylabel=r"$ \rm D_{path} (kpc)$" _scatter(dprog,dpath,xlabel=xlabel,ylabel=ylabel,overplot=overplot) if filename != None: plt.savefig(filename) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) tstar=_convert_time(tstar,'kpckms',cluster) dprog=_convert_length(dprog,'kpckms',cluster) dpath=_convert_length(dpath,'kpckms',cluster) return np.array(tstar), np.array(dprog), np.array(dpath)