Source code for clustertools.cluster.cluster

""" The StarCluster class and key internal functions


__author__ = "Jeremy J Webb"

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
    from galpy.util import coords,conversion
    import galpy.util.bovy_coords as coords
    import galpy.util.bovy_conversion as conversion
from textwrap import dedent
from ..analysis.orbits import *
from ..analysis.functions import *
from .operations import *
from ..tidaltail.tails import *
from copy import copy
from galpy.orbit import Orbit
from ..util.constants import *

    import amuse.units.units as u
    from amuse.datamodel import Particles
    from amuse.units.quantities import ScalarQuantity,VectorQuantity
    from ..util.units import _convert_amuse,_convert_length,_convert_velocity

[docs]class StarCluster(object): """ A class that represents a star cluster population that ooperations and functions can be performed on Parameters ---------- tphys : float Time (units not necessary) associated with the population (default: 0) units : str Units of stellar positions and velocties. Options include 'pckms','pcmyr', 'kpckms','kpcgyr','radec','nbody',and 'galpy'. For 'pckms' and 'kpckms', stellar velocities are assumed to be km/s. (default: None) origin : str Origin of coordinate system within which stellar positions and velocities are defined. Options include 'centre', 'cluster', 'galaxy' and 'sky'. Note that 'centre' corresponds to the systems centre of density or mass (as calculated by clustertools) while 'cluster' corresponds to the orbital position of the cluster's initial centre of mass given 'tphys'. In some cases these two coordinate systems may be the same. (default: None) ctype : str Code type used to generate the cluster population. Current options include 'snapshot', 'nbody6','nbody6se','nemo','gyrfalcon','snaptrim', amuse','clustertools','snapauto'. The parameter informs clustertools how to load the stellar popuation and advance to the next snapshot. (default: 'snapshot') projected : bool return projected values instead of 3D value. (default: False) Other Parameters ---------------- sfile : str file containing single star data bfile : str file contain binary star data ssefile : str file containing single star evolution data bsefile : str file contain binary star evolution data tfile : str name of file contain tail star data ofile : str orbit file ofilename : str orbit filename if ofile is not given orbit : str galpy orbit instance ounits : str {'pckms','pcmyr','kpckms','kpcgyr','radec','nbody','galpy'} units of orbital information (else assumed equal to StarCluster.units) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: solar_ro) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: solar_vo) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: solar_zo) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: solar_motion) nsnap : int if a specific snapshot is to be read in instead of starting from zero nzfill : int value for zfill when reading and writing snapshots (default: 5) snapbase : str string of characters in filename before nsnap (default: '') snapend : str string of character in filename after nsnap (default: '.dat') snapdir : str string name of directory of snapshots if different than wdir (Default: '') delimiter : str choice of delimiter when reading ascii/csv files (default: ',') wdir : str working directory of snapshots if not current directory intialize : bool initialize a galpy orbit after reading in orbital information (default: False) advance : bool set to True if this a snapshot that has been advanced to from an initial one? (default: False) centre_method: str {None,'orthographic','VandeVen'} method to convert to clustercentric coordinates when units are in radec (Default: None) give : str set what parameters are read in from nemo/gyrfalcon (default: 'mxv') Currently only accepts 'mxvpqael' as an alternative. History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ def __init__( self, tphys=0.0, units=None, origin=None, ctype="snapshot", projected=False, **kwargs, ): # Age of cluster if (ctype == 'amuse' and _hasamuse and units is None) or (units == 'amuse' and _hasamuse) : if isinstance(tphys,ScalarQuantity): self.tphys=tphys else: self.tphys = tphys | u.Myr else: self.tphys = tphys self.dt = None # Units and origin if ctype == 'amuse' and _hasamuse and units is None: self.units='amuse' else: self.units = units self.bunits = units self.origin = origin self.units_init=self.units self.origin_init=self.origin # Cluster Simulation Type self.ctype = ctype # Return projected values only self.projected = projected # Kwargs self.nsnap = int(kwargs.get("nsnap", 0)) self.delimiter = kwargs.get("delimiter", None) self.wdir = kwargs.get("wdir", "./") self.nzfill = int(kwargs.get("nzfill", 5)) self.snapbase = kwargs.get("snapbase", "") self.snapend = kwargs.get("snapend", ".dat") self.snapdir = kwargs.get("snapdir", "") self.skiprows = kwargs.get("skiprows", 0) self.sfile = kwargs.get("sfile", None) self.bfile = kwargs.get("bfile", None) self.ssefile = kwargs.get("ssefile", None) self.bsefile = kwargs.get("bsefile", None) self.ofile = kwargs.get("ofile", None) self.ofilename = kwargs.get("ofilename", None) self.orbit = kwargs.get("orbit", None) self._ro=kwargs.get('ro',solar_ro) self._vo=kwargs.get('vo',solar_vo) self._zo=kwargs.get('zo',solar_zo) self._solarmotion=kwargs.get('solarmotion',solar_motion) self.give=kwargs.get('give','mxv') self.centre_method = kwargs.get("centre_method", None) # Total Number of Stars + Binaries in the cluster self.ntot = 0 self.nb = 0 # variables for add_stars = np.array([]) self.m = np.array([]) self.x = np.array([]) self.y = np.array([]) self.z = np.array([]) self.vx = np.array([]) self.vy = np.array([]) self.vz = np.array([]) self.m0 = np.array([]) # variables for add_binary_stars self.mb1 = np.array([]) self.xb1 = np.array([]) self.yb1 = np.array([]) self.zb1 = np.array([]) self.vxb1 = np.array([]) self.vyb1 = np.array([]) self.vzb1 = np.array([]) self.mb2 = np.array([]) self.xb2 = np.array([]) self.yb2 = np.array([]) self.zb2 = np.array([]) self.vxb2 = np.array([]) self.vyb2 = np.array([]) self.vzb2 = np.array([]) #If using Nbodypp self.rhos=np.array([]) # variables for add_nbody self.zmbar = 1.0 self.rbar = 1.0 self.vbar = 1.0 self.tbar = 1.0 # variables for centre of cluster self.xc = 0.0 self.yc = 0.0 self.zc = 0.0 self.vxc = 0.0 self.vyc = 0.0 self.vzc = 0.0 # variable for galpy orbits self.orbits= None # variables for orbital position and kinematics if self.orbit is None: self.xgc = 0.0 self.ygc = 0.0 self.zgc = 0.0 self.vxgc = 0.0 self.vygc = 0.0 self.vzgc = 0.0 elif units=='radec': self.xgc = self.orbit.ra() self.ygc = self.orbit.dec() self.zgc = self.orbit.dist() self.vxgc = self.orbit.pmra() self.vygc = self.orbit.pmdec() self.vzgc = self.orbit.vlos() else: self.xgc = self.orbit.x() self.ygc = self.orbit.y() self.zgc = self.orbit.z() self.vxgc = self.orbit.vx() self.vygc = self.orbit.vy() self.vzgc = self.orbit.vz() # variable for cluster's on-sky coordinates self.ra = np.array([]) self.dec = np.array([]) self.dist = np.array([]) self.pmra = np.array([]) self.pmdec = np.array([]) self.vlos = np.array([]) if self.orbit is None: self.ra_gc = 0.0 self.dec_gc = 0.0 self.dist_gc = 0.0 self.pmra_gc = 0.0 self.pmdec_gc = 0.0 self.vlos_gc = 0.0 else: self.ra_gc = self.orbit.ra() self.dec_gc = self.orbit.dec() self.dist_gc = self.orbit.dist() self.pmra_gc = self.orbit.pmra() self.pmdec_gc = self.orbit.pmdec() self.vlos_gc = self.orbit.vlos() self.ra_c = 0.0 self.dec_c = 0.0 self.dist_c = 0.0 self.pmra_c = 0.0 self.pmdec_c = 0.0 self.vlos_c = 0.0 # variables for add_nbody6 # Number of stars in the core = 0 # Core radius self.rc = 0 # Distance scaling parameter self.rbar = 1. self.rbar_su=1. self.rbar_au=1. # Tidal limit from NBODY6 (not neccesarily a true tidal radius) self.rtide = 0. # Center of mass of cluster (x,yz) self.xc = 0. self.yc = 0. self.zc = 0. self.xcn = None self.ycn = None self.zcn = None # Mass scaling parameter self.zmbar = 1. # Velocity scaling parameter self.vbar = 1. # Time scaling parameter self.tbar = 1. self.tbar_days=1. # Scale radius of cluster self.rscale = 1. # Number of single stars self.ns = 0 # Number of binary stars self.nb = 0 # Number of particles (from NBODY6 when tidal tail is being integrated) self.n_p = 0 # variables for add_sse (stellar evolution information) = np.array([]) self.logl = np.array([]) self.logr = np.array([]) self.ep = np.array([]) self.ospin = np.array([]) self.lum = np.array([]) # variables for add_bse (binary star evolution information) self.id1 = np.array([]) self.id2 = np.array([]) self.kw1 = np.array([]) self.kw2 = np.array([]) self.kcm = np.array([]) self.ecc = np.array([]) self.pb = np.array([]) self.semi = np.array([]) self.m1 = np.array([]) self.m2 = np.array([]) self.m01 = np.array([]) self.m02 = np.array([]) self.logl1 = np.array([]) self.logl2 = np.array([]) self.logr1 = np.array([]) self.logr2 = np.array([]) self.ep1 = np.array([]) self.ep2 = np.array([]) self.ospin1 = np.array([]) self.ospin2 = np.array([]) self.npop1 = np.array([]) self.npop2 = np.array([]) # variables of energies self.kin = np.array([]) self.pot = np.array([]) self.etot = np.array([]) # Lagrange Radii,10% lagrage radius, half-mass radius, limiting radius, tidal radius, and virial radius self.rn = None self.r10 = None self.r10pro=None self.rm = None self.rmpro = None self.rh = None self.rhpro = None self.rl = None self.rt = None self.rv = None #3D and projected order of stars with respect to origin self.rorder = None self.rorder_origin = None self.rproorder = None # Additional variables for operation and function calls self.trelax = None self.trh = None self.trc = None self.qv = None self.alpha = None self.eta = None self.rvmax = None self.vmax = None #For use with multiple populations self.npop = np.array([]) #For use with extended nemo/gyrfalcon output if self.give == 'mxvpqael': self.gyrpot=np.array([]) self.gyrq=np.array([]) self.gyracc=np.array([]) self.eps=np.array([]) self.gyrlev=np.array([]) elif self.give =='mxve': self.eps=np.array([]) #For use with HDF5 self.hdf5=False self.ngroups=0 self.ngroup=0
[docs] def add_stars( self, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz,m=None,id=None,m0=None,npop=None,nb=0,sortstars=False,analyze=True ): """Add stars to StarCluster. Parameters ---------- x,y,z: float stellar positions. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be ra,dec,dist (degrees, degrees, kpc) vx,vy,vz: float atellar velocities. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be pmra,pmdec,vlos (mas/yr, mas/yr, km/s) m: float int stellar mass id: int star id m0: float int initial stellar mass npop : int population number, for use with multiple populations nb: int number of binary stars, which are assumed to be the first 2*nb stars in the array (default:0) sortstars: bool order stars by radius (default: False) analyze : bool perform analysis on cluster after stars are added Notes ----- History: - 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ #Check for float entries params=([x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,m,id,m0,npop]) nfloat=np.zeros(len(params),dtype=bool) npmax=0 for i,p in enumerate(params): if p is not None: if _hasamuse: if isinstance(p,ScalarQuantity): nfloat[i]=True npmax=int(np.maximum(npmax,1)) if isinstance(p,float) or isinstance(p,int): nfloat[i]=True npmax=int(np.maximum(npmax,1)) else: npmax=int(np.maximum(npmax,len(p))) if nfloat[0]: x=np.ones(npmax)*x if nfloat[1]: y=np.ones(npmax)*y if nfloat[2]: z=np.ones(npmax)*z if nfloat[3]: vx=np.ones(npmax)*vx if nfloat[4]: vy=np.ones(npmax)*vy if nfloat[5]: vz=np.ones(npmax)*vz if nfloat[6]: m=np.ones(npmax)*m if nfloat[7]: id=np.ones(npmax)*id if nfloat[8]: m0=np.ones(npmax)*m0 if nfloat[9]: npop=np.ones(npmax)*npop #Check for AMUSE units: isamuse=False if _hasamuse: if isinstance(x,VectorQuantity): stars=Particles(len(x)) stars.x,stars.y,stars.z=x,y,z stars.vx,stars.vy,stars.vz=vx,vy,vz stars.mass=m stars.key=id if isinstance(self.tphys,ScalarQuantity): self.tphys=self.tphys.value_in(u.Myr) self.units='pckms' x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,m,id=_convert_amuse(stars,self) isamuse=True #Check for binaries if nb>0: if nb==1: arg1,arg2=0,1 else: arg1=np.arange(0,2*nb-1,2) arg2=arg1+1 if m is None: xcom,ycom,zcom,vxcom,vycom,vzcom,mcom=self.add_binary_stars(x[arg1],y[arg1],z[arg1],vx[arg1],vy[arg1],vz[arg1],x[arg2],y[arg2],z[arg2],vx[arg2],vy[arg2],vz[arg2],return_com=True) else: xcom,ycom,zcom,vxcom,vycom,vzcom,mcom=self.add_binary_stars(x[arg1],y[arg1],z[arg1],vx[arg1],vy[arg1],vz[arg1],x[arg2],y[arg2],z[arg2],vx[arg2],vy[arg2],vz[arg2],m[arg1],m[arg2],return_com=True) self.x = np.append(xcom,self.x) self.y = np.append(ycom,self.y) self.z = np.append(zcom,self.z) self.vx = np.append(vxcom,self.vx) self.vy = np.append(vycom,self.vy) self.vz = np.append(vzcom,self.vz) self.m = np.append(mcom,self.m) if id is None: if len(!=0: idstart=np.amax( else: idstart=0 ids=idstart+np.arange(0,2*nb-1,2) else: ids=id[arg1], if m0 is not None: self.m0=np.append(m0[arg1]+m0[arg2],self.m0) else: self.m0=np.append(np.zeros(nb),self.m0) if npop is None: npopb=np.ones(nb,int) else: npopb=npop[arg1] self.npop=np.append(npopb,self.npop).astype(int) args=2*nb else: args=0 #Add single stars self.x = np.append(self.x, x[args:]) self.y = np.append(self.y, y[args:]) self.z = np.append(self.z, z[args:]) self.vx = np.append(self.vx, vx[args:]) self.vy = np.append(self.vy, vy[args:]) self.vz = np.append(self.vz, vz[args:]) if m is None: ms = np.ones(len(x[args:]),float) else: ms=m[args:] self.m = np.append(self.m, ms) if m0 is not None: self.m0=np.append(self.m0,m0[args:]) else: self.m0=np.append(self.m0,np.zeros(len(x[args:]))) if npop is not None: self.npop=np.append(self.npop,npop[args:]).astype(int) else: self.npop=np.append(self.npop,np.ones(len(x[args:]))).astype(int) if id is None: if len(!=0: idstart=np.amax( if self.nb>0: idstart+=1 else: idstart=0 ids=idstart+np.arange(0, len(x[args:]), dtype=int) else: ids=id[args:] = np.append(, ids) = # Check lengths length_error=False nmax = np.amax( [ len(, len(self.m), len(self.x), len(self.y), len(self.z), len(self.vx), len(self.vy), len(self.vz), len(self.m0), len(self.npop), ] ) nmin = np.amin( [ len(, len(self.m), len(self.x), len(self.y), len(self.z), len(self.vx), len(self.vy), len(self.vz), len(self.m0), len(self.npop), ] ) if nmax != nmin: if len( == 1: = np.linspace(0, nmax - 1, nmax, dtype=int) elif len(<nmax: length_error=True if len(self.m) == 1: self.m = np.ones(nmax) * self.m[0] elif len(self.m) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.x) == 1: self.x = np.ones(nmax) * self.x[0] elif len(self.x) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.y) == 1: self.y = np.ones(nmax) * self.y[0] elif len(self.y) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.z) == 1: self.z = np.ones(nmax) * self.z[0] elif len(self.z) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.vx) == 1: self.vx = np.ones(nmax) * self.vx[0] elif len(self.vx) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.vy) == 1: self.vy = np.ones(nmax) * self.vy[0] elif len(self.vy) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.vz) == 1: self.vz = np.ones(nmax) * self.vz[0] elif len(self.vz) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.m0) == 1: self.m0 = np.ones(nmax) * self.m0[0] elif len(self.m0) <nmax: length_error=True if len(self.npop) == 1: self.npop = np.ones(nmax) * self.npop[0] elif len(self.npop) <nmax: length_error=True if length_error: print('ONE OR MORE INPUT ARRAY HAS INCORRECT LENGTH: ',nmin,nmax) print(len(,len(self.m),len(self.x),len(self.y),len(self.z),len(self.x),len(self.y),len(self.z),len(self.m0),len(self.npop)) if self.units == "radec" and self.origin == "sky": self.ra = np.append(self.ra, x) self.dec = np.append(self.dec, y) self.dist = np.append(self.dist, z) self.pmra = np.append(self.pmra, vx) self.pmdec = np.append(self.pmdec, vy) self.vlos = np.append(self.vlos, vz) if isamuse and (self.units_init is None or self.units_init == 'amuse'): self.to_amuse() if analyze: self.analyze(sortstars=sortstars) self.ntot = len(self.x) self.ns=self.ntot-self.nb
[docs] def add_binary_stars( self, xb1, yb1, zb1, vxb1, vyb1, vzb1, xb2, yb2, zb2, vxb2, vyb2, vzb2,mb1=None,mb2=None,id1=None,id2=None,m01=None,m02=None,npop1=None,npop2=None,set_com=True,return_com=False, ): """Individually add binary stars to StarCluster. Parameters ---------- xb1,yb1,zb1: float stellar positions of primary. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be ra,dec,dist (degrees, degrees, kpc) vxb1,vyb1,vzb1: float stellar velocities of primary. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be pmra,pmdec,vlos (mas/yr, mas/yr, km/s) xb2,yb2,zb2: float stellar positions of secondary. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be ra,dec,dist (degrees, degrees, kpc) vxb2,vyb2,vzb2: float stellar velocities of secondary. Input is assumed to be in cartesian coordinates unless self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky', then positions are assumed to be pmra,pmdec,vlos (mas/yr, mas/yr, km/s) mb1. mb2 : float mass of primary and secondary (default: None) id1,id2: int primary and secondary star ids (default: None) m01,m02: float initial primary and secondary stellar masses (default: None) npop1,npop2 : int population number of primary and secondary star, for use with multiple populations (default: None) set_com : bool set coordinates of binary's centre of mass in main arrays (default: False) return_com : bool reuturn coordinates of binary's centre of mass (default: False) Notes ----- History: - 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if isinstance(xb1,float): self.nb+=1 else: self.nb+=len(xb1) self.xb1=np.append(self.xb1,xb1) self.yb1=np.append(self.yb1,yb1) self.zb1=np.append(self.zb1,zb1) self.vxb1=np.append(self.vxb1,vxb1) self.vyb1=np.append(self.vyb1,vyb1) self.vzb1=np.append(self.vzb1,vzb1) self.xb2=np.append(self.xb2,xb2) self.yb2=np.append(self.yb2,yb2) self.zb2=np.append(self.zb2,zb2) self.vxb2=np.append(self.vxb2,vxb2) self.vyb2=np.append(self.vyb2,vyb2) self.vzb2=np.append(self.vzb2,vzb2) if mb1 is not None: self.mb1=mb1 else: self.mb1=np.ones(len(xb1)) if mb2 is not None: self.mb2=mb2 else: self.mb2=np.ones(len(xb2)) if set_com and not return_com: mcom=self.mb1+self.mb2 xcom=(xb1*self.mb1+xb2*self.mb2)/mcom ycom=(yb1*self.mb1+yb2*self.mb2)/mcom zcom=(zb1*self.mb1+zb2*self.mb2)/mcom vxcom=(vxb1*self.mb1+vxb2*self.mb2)/mcom vycom=(vyb1*self.mb1+vyb2*self.mb2)/mcom vzcom=(vzb1*self.mb1+vzb2*self.mb2)/mcom self.x = np.append(xcom,self.x) self.y = np.append(ycom,self.y) self.z = np.append(zcom,self.z) self.vx = np.append(vxcom,self.vx) self.vy = np.append(vycom,self.vy) self.vz = np.append(vzcom,self.vz) self.m = np.append(mcom,self.m) if id1 is None: if len(!=0: idstart=np.amax( else: idstart=0 ids=idstart+np.linspace(0,len(xcom)-1,len(xcom))*2 else: ids=id1 self.id1=id1, if id2 is not None: self.id2=id2 else: self.id2=self.id1+1 if m01 is not None and m02 is not None: self.m0=np.append(m01+m02,self.m0) else: self.m0=np.append(np.zeros(len(xcom)),self.m0) if m01 is not None: self.m01=np.append(m01,self.m01) if m02 is not None: self.m02=np.append(m02,self.m02) if npop1 is not None and npop2 is not None: npopb=np.maximum(npop1,npop2) self.npop=np.append(npopb,self.npop).astype(int) if npop1 is None: self.npop1=np.append(np.ones(len(xcom)),self.npop1) elif isinstance(npop1,float): self.npop1=np.append(np.ones(len(xcom))*npop1,self.npop1) else: self.npop1=np.append(npop1,self.npop1) if npop2 is None: self.npop2=np.append(np.ones(len(xcom)),self.npop2) elif isinstance(npop1,float): self.npop2=np.append(np.ones(len(xcom))*npop2,self.npop2) else: self.npop2=np.append(npop2,self.npop2) self.ntot = len(self.x) self.ns=self.ntot-self.nb elif return_com: mcom=self.mb1+self.mb2 xcom=(xb1*self.mb1+xb2*self.mb2)/mcom ycom=(yb1*self.mb1+yb2*self.mb2)/mcom zcom=(zb1*self.mb1+zb2*self.mb2)/mcom vxcom=(vxb1*self.mb1+vxb2*self.mb2)/mcom vycom=(vyb1*self.mb1+vyb2*self.mb2)/mcom vzcom=(vzb1*self.mb1+vzb2*self.mb2)/mcom return xcom,ycom,zcom,vxcom,vycom,vzcom,mcom
[docs] def add_orbit( self, xgc, ygc, zgc, vxgc, vygc, vzgc, ounits=None, initialize=False, from_centre=False, tphys=None, ): """ Add orbit properties to StarCluster Parameters ---------- xgc,ygc,zgc: float cluster's galactocentric position vxgc,vygc,vzgc: float cluster's galactocentric velocity ounits: str units of position and velocity. Options include 'pckms','pcmyr' 'kpckms','kpcgyr','radec','nbody',and 'galpy'. Values will be converted to match self.units initialize: bool Initialize a galpy orbit for self.orbit (default: False) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) tphys : float physical time as per the orbit file Returns ---------- None History: ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=self._ro,self._vo,self._zo,self._solarmotion if tphys is not None: otime=True else: tphys=0. otime=False if ounits != None and ounits != self.units: # First convert to kpckms if ounits != "kpckms": if ounits == "nbody": xgc *= self.rbar / 1000.0 ygc *= self.rbar / 1000.0 zgc *= self.rbar / 1000.0 vxgc *= self.vbar vygc *= self.vbar vzgc *= self.vbar tphys *= self.tbar elif ounits == "galpy": xgc *= ro ygc *= ro zgc *= ro vxgc *= vo vygc *= vo vzgc *= vo tphys *= conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro,vo=vo) elif ounits == "pckms": xgc /= 1000.0 ygc /= 1000.0 zgc /= 1000.0 tphys /= 1000.0 elif ounits == "pcmyr": xgc /= 1000.0 ygc /= 1000.0 zgc /= 1000.0 vxgc/=1.022712165045695 vygc/=1.022712165045695 vzgc/=1.02271216504569 tphys /= 1000.0 elif ounits == 'kpcgyr': vxgc/=1.022712165045695 vygc/=1.022712165045695 vzgc/=1.022712165045695 elif ounits == 'radec': o=Orbit([xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc],radec=True,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) xgc=o.x() ygc=o.y() zgc=o.z() vxgc=o.vx() vygc=o.vy() vzgc=o.vz() ounits = "kpckms" if self.units == "pckms": xgc *= 1000.0 ygc *= 1000.0 zgc *= 1000.0 tphys *= 1000.0 elif self.units == "nbody": xgc *= 1000.0 / self.rbar ygc *= 1000.0 / self.rbar zgc *= 1000.0 / self.rbar vxgc /= self.vbar vygc /= self.vbar vzgc /= self.vbar tphys *= 1000.0/self.tbar elif self.units == "galpy": xgc /= ro ygc /= ro zgc /= ro vxgc /= vo vygc /= vo vzgc /= vo tphys /= conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro,vo=vo) self.xgc = xgc self.ygc = ygc self.zgc = zgc self.rgc = np.sqrt(xgc ** 2.0 + ygc ** 2.0 + zgc ** 2.0) self.vxgc = vxgc self.vygc = vygc self.vzgc = vzgc if otime: self.tphys=tphys if self.units == "radec": self.ra_gc = xgc self.dec_gc = ygc self.dist_gc = zgc self.pmra_gc = vxgc self.pmdec_gc = vygc self.vlos_gc = vzgc #Add on orbital parameters for missing data if self.origin == 'sky': if np.array_equal(self.ra,np.zeros(len(self.ra))): self.ra += self.ra_gc if np.array_equal(self.dec,np.zeros(len(self.dec))): self.dec += self.dec_gc if np.array_equal(self.dist, np.zeros(len(self.dist))): self.dist += self.dist_gc if np.array_equal(self.pmra,np.zeros(len(self.pmra))): self.pmra += self.pmra_gc if np.array_equal(self.pmdec,np.zeros(len(self.pmdec))): self.pmdec += self.pmdec_gc if np.array_equal(self.vlos,np.zeros(len(self.vlos))): self.vlos += self.vlos_gc if initialize: if self.origin=='galaxy' or self.origin=='sky': self.initialize_orbit(from_centre=from_centre,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) else: origin0=self.origin self.to_galaxy() self.initialize_orbit(from_centre=from_centre,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) self.to_origin(origin0)
[docs] def add_nbody6( self, nc=0, rc=0.0, rbar=1.0, rtide=0.0, xc=0.0, yc=0.0, zc=0.0, zmbar=1.0, vbar=1.0, tbar=1.0, rscale=1.0, ns=0.0, nb=0.0, n_p=0.0, ): """ Add additional information to StarCluster - parameters are common output variables in NBODY6 - values are never adjusted during unit or coordinate changes Parameters ---------- nc : int number of stars in core (default:0) rc : int core radius (default:0) rbar : float scaling factor between NBODY units and pc (default:1.) rtide : rtide set in the simulation (default:0) xc,yc,zc : float position of cluster centre (default:0) zmbar : float scaling factor between NBODY units and Msun (default:1.) vbar : float scaling factor between NBODY units and km/s (default:1.) tbar : float scaling factor between NBODY units and Myr (default:1.) rscale : float the scale radius of data (default:1.) ns : int number of single stars (default:0) nb : int number of binary stars (default:0) np : int number of particles (default:0) Returns ---------- None History: ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if isinstance(nc,list): nc,rc,rbar,rtide,xc,yc,zc,zmbar,vbar,tbar,rscale,ns,nb,n_p=nc # Number of stars in the core = nc # Core radius self.rc = rc # Distane scaling parameter self.rbar = rbar # Tidal limit from NBODY6 (not neccesarily a true tidal radius) self.rtide = rtide # Center of mass of cluster (x,yz) self.xc = xc self.yc = yc self.zc = zc self.xcn = xc self.ycn = yc self.zcn = zc # Mass scaling parameter self.zmbar = zmbar # Velocity scaling parameter self.vbar = vbar # Time scaling parameter self.tbar=tbar # Scale radius of cluster self.rscale = rscale # Number of single stars self.ns = ns # Number of binary stars self.nb = nb # Number of particles (from NBODY6 when tidal tail is being integrated) self.n_p = n_p au_to_cm = 1.49597870700e13 pc_to_cm = 1296000.0/(2.0*np.pi)*au_to_cm nbody_to_years = (self.rbar*1296000.0/(2.0*np.pi))**1.5/np.sqrt(self.zmbar) self.tbar_days = 365.25*nbody_to_years rsun_to_cm = 6.957e10 self.rbar_su = pc_to_cm/rsun_to_cm*self.rbar self.rbar_au= pc_to_cm/au_to_cm*self.rbar
[docs] def add_sse(self, kw, logl, logr, ep = None, ospin = None, arg = None): """Add stellar evolution information to stars - parameters are common output variables in NBODY6 - values are never adjusted during unit or coordinate changes Parameters ---------- kw : int stellar evolution type (based on NBODY6) logl : float log of luminosity logr : float log of stellar radius ep : float epoch ospin : float ospin arg : int array address arguments if SSE parameters do not necessarily match position and velocity arrays Returns ---------- None History: ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if arg is not None: if len( == 0: nstart=0 self.logl=np.zeros(len(kw)) self.logr=np.zeros(len(kw)) self.lum=np.zeros(len(kw)) self.ep=np.zeros(len(kw)) self.ospin=np.zeros(len(kw)) else: nstart=len(,np.zeros(len(kw))) self.logl=np.append(self.logl,np.zeros(len(kw))) self.logr=np.append(self.logr,np.zeros(len(kw))) self.lum=np.append(self.lum,np.zeros(len(kw))) self.ep=np.append( self.ep,np.zeros(len(kw))) self.ospin=np.append(self.ospin,np.zeros(len(kw)))[nstart+arg.astype(int)] = np.asarray(kw) self.logl[nstart+arg.astype(int)] = np.asarray(logl) self.logr[nstart+arg.astype(int)] = np.asarray(logr) self.ep[nstart+arg.astype(int)]= np.array(ep) self.ospin[nstart+arg.astype(int)] = np.array(ospin) else: = np.append(,kw) self.logl = np.append(self.logl,logl) self.logr = np.append(self.logr,logr) self.lum = 10.0 ** self.logl self.ltot = np.sum(self.lum) if ep is not None: self.ep= np.append(self.ep,np.array(ep)) else: self.ep= np.append(self.ep,np.zeros(len(kw))) if ospin is not None: self.ospin = np.append(self.ospin,np.array(ospin)) else: self.ospin = np.append(self.ospin,np.zeros(len(kw)))
[docs] def add_bse( self, id1, id2, kw1, kw2, kcm, ecc, pb, semi, m1, m2, logl1, logl2, logr1, logr2, ep1=None, ep2=None, ospin1=None, ospin2=None, ): """Add binary star evolution information to stars - parameters are common output variables in NBODY6 - values are never adjusted during unit or coordinate changes Parameters ---------- id1/id2 : int id of star1 and star2 kw1/kw2 : int stellar evolution tags (for using with NBODY6) kcm : int stellar evolution tag for binary star ecc : float eccentricity of binary orbit pb: float period of binary orbit semi : float semi major axis of binary orbit m1/m2 : float masses of binary stars logl1/logl2 : float luminosities of binary stars logr1/logr2 : float radii of binary stars ep1/ep2 : float epochs of binary stars ospin1/ospin2 : float opsin of binary stars Returns ---------- None History: ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.id1 = np.append(self.id1,np.array(id1)) self.id2 = np.append(self.id2,np.array(id2)) self.kw1 = np.append(self.kw1,np.array(kw1)) self.kw2 = np.append(self.kw2,np.array(kw2)) self.kcm = np.append(self.kcm,np.array(kcm)) self.ecc = np.append(self.ecc,np.array(ecc)) self.pb = np.append(self.pb,np.array(pb)) self.semi = np.append(self.semi,np.array(semi)) self.m1 = np.append(self.m1,np.array(m1)) self.m2 = np.append(self.m2,np.array(m2)) self.logl1 = np.append(self.logl1,np.array(logl1)) self.logl2 = np.append(self.logl2,np.array(logl2)) self.logr1 = np.append(self.logr1,np.array(logr1)) self.logr2 = np.append(self.logr2,np.array(logr2)) if ep1 is not None: self.ep1 = np.append(self.ep1,np.array(ep1)) if ep2 is not None: self.ep2 = np.append(self.ep2,np.array(ep2)) if ospin1 is not None: self.ospin1 = np.append(self.ospin1,np.array(ospin1)) if ospin2 is not None: self.ospin2 = np.append(self.ospin2,np.array(ospin2)) self.eb=0.5*self.m1*self.m2/self.semi self.nb=len(self.id1)
[docs] def add_energies(self, kin, pot, etot=None): """ Add energy information for stars - total energy and Q for the cluster are also calculated - values are never adjusted during unit or coordinate changes Parameters ---------- kin : float kinetic energy pot : float potentail energy etot : float total energy - calculated as kin+pot if not given Returns ---------- None History ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if _hasamuse and (self.units=='amuse' or (self.units is None and self.ctype=='amuse')): if isinstance(kin,VectorQuantity) or isinstance(kin,ScalarQuantity): self.kin=kin self.pot=pot else: self.kin = np.array(kin) self.pot = np.array(pot) else: self.kin = np.array(kin) self.pot = np.array(pot) if etot is None: self.etot=self.kin+self.pot else: self.etot = np.array(etot) self.ektot = np.sum(np.nan_to_num(self.kin)) self.ptot = np.sum(np.nan_to_num(self.pot)) / 2.0 try: self.qvir = self.ektot / self.ptot except: self.qvir = 0.0
[docs] def add_action(self, JR, Jphi, Jz, OR=None, Ophi=None, Oz=None, TR=None, Tphi=None, Tz=None): """ Add action values to the cluster instance Parameters ---------- JR,Jphi,Jz : float orbit actions OR,Ophi,Oz : float orbit frequencies TR,Tphi,Tz : float orbit periods Returns ------- None History -------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.JR, self.Jphi, self.Jz = JR, Jphi, Jz self.OR, self.Ophi, self.Oz = OR, Ophi, Oz self.TR, self.Tphi, self.Tz = TR, Tphi, Tz
[docs] def add_actions(self, JR, Jphi, Jz, OR=None, Ophi=None, Oz=None, TR=None, Tphi=None, Tz=None): """ Add action values to the cluster instance Parameters ---------- JR,Jphi,Jz : float orbit actions OR,Ophi,Oz : float orbit frequencies TR,Tphi,Tz : float orbit periods Returns ------- None History -------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.JRs, self.Jphis, self.Jzs = JR, Jphi, Jz self.ORs, self.Ophis, self.Ozs = OR, Ophi, Oz self.TRs, self.Tphis, self.Tzs = TR, Tphi, Tz
[docs] def analyze(self, sortstars = True, projected = True): """ Calculate properties related to mass, radius, and velocity Parameters ---------- sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: True) projected : bool sort projected radii as well, but do not change self.projected (default: True) Returns ---------- None History ---------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.analyze_units=self.units self.analyze_origin=self.origin self.r = np.sqrt(self.x ** 2.0 + self.y ** 2.0 + self.z ** 2.0) self.rpro = np.sqrt(self.x ** 2.0 + self.y ** 2.0) self.v = np.sqrt(self.vx ** 2.0 + self.vy ** 2.0 + self.vz ** 2.0) self.vpro = np.sqrt(self.vx ** 2.0 + self.vy ** 2.0) self.mtot = np.sum(self.m) self.mmean = np.mean(self.m) self.rmean = np.mean(self.r) self.rmax = np.max(self.r) self.rmeanpro = np.mean(self.rpro) self.rmaxpro = np.max(self.rpro) if sortstars: self.sortstars(projected=projected) # Find half-mass radius if self.rorder is not None: msum = np.cumsum(self.m[self.rorder]) indx = msum >= 0.5 * self.mtot self.rm = self.r[self.rorder[indx][0]] indx = msum >= 0.1 * self.mtot self.r10 = self.r[self.rorder[indx][0]] if self.rproorder is not None: msum = np.cumsum(self.m[self.rproorder]) indx = msum >= 0.5 * self.mtot self.rmpro = self.rpro[self.rproorder[indx][0]] indx = msum >= 0.1 * self.mtot self.r10pro = self.rpro[self.rproorder[indx][0]] if len(self.lum) > 0 and self.rorder is not None: lsum = np.cumsum(self.lum[self.rorder]) indx = lsum >= 0.5 * self.ltot self.rh = self.r[self.rorder[indx][0]] indx = lsum >= 0.1 * self.ltot self.rh10 = self.r[self.rorder[indx][0]] if self.rproorder is not None: lsum = np.cumsum(self.lum[self.rproorder]) indx = lsum >= 0.5 * self.ltot self.rhpro = self.rpro[self.rproorder[indx][0]] indx = lsum >= 0.1 * self.ltot self.rh10pro = self.rpro[self.rproorder[indx][0]] else: self.rhpro = 0.0 self.rh10pro = 0.0
[docs] def analyse(self, sortstars = True, projected=True): """Call analyze with alternative spelling Parameters ---------- sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: True) projected : bool sort projected radii as well, but do not change self.projected (default: True) Returns ---------- None History ---------- 2020 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.analyze(sortstars = sortstars, projected=projected)
[docs] def key_params(self, do_order=True, projected=True): """Call analyze with key_params for backwards compatibility Parameters ---------- do_order : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: True) projected : bool sort projected radii as well, but do not change self.projected (default: True) Returns ---------- None History ---------- 2020 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.analyze(sortstars=do_order, projected=projected)
[docs] def sortstars(self, projected=True): """sort stars based on radius Parameters ---------- projected : bool sort projected radii as well, but do not change self.projected (default: True) Returns ---------- None History ---------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if self. rorder is None or self.rorder_origin!=self.origin or len(self.r)!=len(self.rorder): self.rorder = np.argsort(self.r) self.rorder_origin=self.origin if (self. rproorder is None or self.rorder_origin!=self.origin or len(self.rpro)!=len(self.rproorder)) and (projected or self.projected): self.rproorder = np.argsort(self.rpro)
def _analysis_check(self,sortstars=True,projected=False): if self.units!=self.analyze_units or self.analyze_units!=self.units: self.analyze(sortstars=sortstars,projected=projected)
[docs] def subset(self,**kwargs): """Generate a boolean array that corresponds to subset of star cluster members that meet a certain criteria Parameters ---------- rmin/rmax : float minimum and maximum stellar radii mmin/mmax : float minimum and maximum stellar mass vmin/vmax : float minimum and maximum stellar velocity emin/emax : float minimum and maximum stellar energy kwmin/kwmax : int minimum and maximum stellar type (kw) npop : int population number indx : bool user defined boolean array from which to extract the subset projected : bool use projected values and constraints (default:False) Returns ------- indx : bool boolean array that is True for stars that meet the criteria History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.indx=_get_subset(self,**kwargs) return self.indx
# Directly call from (see files for documenation):
[docs] def to_pckms(self,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to pc and km/s Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_pckms(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_kpckms(self,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to kpc and km/s Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_kpckms(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_pcmyr(self,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to pc and pc/Myr Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_pcmyr(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_kpcgyr(self,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to kpc and kpc/Gyr Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_kpcgyr(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_nbody(self,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to Nbody units - requires that cluster.zmbar, cluster.rbar, cluster.vbar are set (defaults are 1) Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_nbody(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_radec(self, sortstars=True,centre_method=None,analyze=True): """Convert to on-sky position, proper motion, and radial velocity of cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_radec(self, sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_galpy(self,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to galpy units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_galpy(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_WDunits(self,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to Walter Dehnen Units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_WDunits(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_amuse(self,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to AMUSE Vector and Scalar Quantities Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_amuse(self,analyze=analyze)
[docs] def to_units(self, units): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to user defined units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster units : str units to be converted to (nbody,galpy,pckms,kpckms,radec) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_units(self, units=units)
[docs] def to_sudays(self): """ Convert binary star semi-major axis and periods to solar radii and days Note: Masses will be converted to solar masses Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- None History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_sudays(self)
[docs] def to_audays(self): """ Convert binary star semi-major axis and periods to solar radii and days Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- None History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_audays(self)
[docs] def to_centre(self, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates such that origin is the centre of mass Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_centre(self, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method)
[docs] def to_center(self, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates such that origin is the centre of mass - this is the same to to_centre, but allows for alternate spelling Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_centre(self, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method)
[docs] def to_cluster(self, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates to clustercentric reference frame - When units='radec' and origin='sky', the cluster will be shifted to clustercentric coordinates using either: --centre_method=None: angular distance between each star's RA/DEC and the RA/DEC of the cluster's centre with proper motions directly subtracted off --centre_method='orthographic' , positions and velocities changed to orthnormal coordinates (Helmi et al. 2018) -- centre_method='VandeVen' , positions and velocities changed to clustercentric coordinates using method outlined by Van de Ven et al. 2005 - Note the the line of site positions and velocities will just have the galactocentric coordinates of the cluster subtracted off. Be sure to set projected=True when making any calculations to use only x and y coordinates Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates. (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_cluster(self, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method)
[docs] def to_galaxy(self, sortstars=True): """Shift coordinates to galactocentric reference frame Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_galaxy(self, sortstars=sortstars)
[docs] def to_sky(self, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Calculate on-sky position, proper motion, and radial velocity of cluster - Also changes units to radec Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates. (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_sky(self, sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method)
[docs] def to_origin(self, origin, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift cluster to origin as defined by keyword Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster origin : str origin of coordinate system to be shifted to (centre, cluster, galaxy, sky) sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_origin(self, origin, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method)
[docs] def save_cluster(self): """Save cluster's units and origin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- cluster.units, cluster.origin : str units and origin of StarCluster History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.units0,self.origin0, self.rorder0, self.rorder_origin0=save_cluster(self)
[docs] def return_cluster(self, units0=None, origin0=None, rorder0=None, rorder_origin0=None, sortstars=False): """ return cluster to a specific combination of units and origin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster units0 : str units that StarCluster will be changed to origin0 : str origin that StarCluster will be changed to sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if units0 is None: units0=self.units0 if origin0 is None: origin0=self.origin0 if rorder0 is None: rorder0=self.rorder0 if rorder_origin0 is None: rorder_origin0=self.rorder_origin0 return_cluster(self, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0, sortstars=sortstars)
[docs] def reset_nbody_scale(self, mass=True, radii=True, rvirial=True, projected=None, **kwargs): """ Assign new conversions for real mass, size, and velocity to Nbody units - kwargs are passed to the virial_radius function. See the virial_radius documenation in Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mass : bool find new mass conversion (default: True) radii : bool find new radius conversion (default: True) rvirial : bool (default: True) use virial radius to set conversion rate for radii as opposed to the approximation that rbar=4/3 rm projected : bool use projected values to calculate radius conversion (default: False) Returns ------- zmbar : float mass conversion rbar : float radius conversion vbar : float velocity conversion tbar : float time conversion History: 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.zmbar,self.rbar,self.vbar,self.tbar=reset_nbody_scale(self, mass=mass, radii=radii, rvirial=rvirial,projected=projected,**kwargs)
[docs] def add_rotation(self, qrot): """Add a degree of rotation to an already generated StarCluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster qrot : float fraction of stars with v_phi < 0 that are switched to vphi > 0 Returns ------- x,y,z,vx,vy,vz : float stellar positions and velocities (now with rotation) History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.x,self.y,self.z,self.vx,self.vy,self.vz=add_rotation(self, qrot) self.qrot=qrot
[docs] def virialize(self, qvir=0.5,specific=True, full=True, projected=None, softening=0.0): """ Adjust stellar velocities so cluster is in virial equilibrium Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster qvir : float value you wish to virial parameter to be (default: 0.5) specific : bool find specific energies (default: True) full: bool do full array of stars at once with numba (default: full_default) projected : bool use projected values when calculating energies (default: False) softening : float Plummer softening length in cluster.units (default: 0.0) Returns ------- qv : float scaling factor used to adjust velocities History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.qv=virialize(self, qvir=qvir, specific=True, full=True, projected=projected,softening=softening) self.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = self.units0,self.origin0, self.rorder0, self.rorder_origin0 if self.origin0 != 'cluster' and self.origin0 != 'centre': self.to_centre(sortstars=False) self.vx *= self.qv self.vy *= self.qv self.vz *= self.qv self.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0)
# Directly call from (see files for documenation):
[docs] def find_centre( self, xstart=0.0, ystart=0.0, zstart=0.0, vxstart=0.0, vystart=0.0, vzstart=0.0, indx=None, nsigma=1.0, nsphere=100, density=True, rmin=0.1, rmax=None, nmax=100, method='harfst', nneighbour=6, reset_centre=False ): """Find the cluster's centre - The default assumes the cluster's centre is the centre of density, calculated via the find_centre_of_density function. - For density=False, the routine first works to identify a sphere of nsphere stars around the centre in which to perform a centre of mass calculation (similar to NBODY6). Stars beyond nsigma standard deviations are removed from the calculation until only nsphere stars remain. This step prevents long tidal tails from affecting the calculation Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster xstart,ystart,zstart : float starting position for centre (default: 0,0,0) vxstart,vystart,vzstart : float starting velocity for centre (default: 0,0,0) indx: bool subset of stars to perform centre of density calculation on (default: None) nsphere : int number of stars in centre sphere (default:100) rmin : float minimum radius of sphere around which to estimate density centre (default: 0.1 cluster.units) rmax : float maxmimum radius of sphere around which to estimate density centre (default: None cluster.units, uses maximum r) nmax : float maximum number of iterations (default:100) method : str method for finding the centre of density ('harfst' (default), 'casertano') if method=='casertano' nneighbour : int number of neighbours for calculation local densities reset_centre : bool forcibly reset cluster's centre of mass (default: False) Returns ------- xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc - coordinates of centre of mass History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc=find_centre(self,xstart=xstart, ystart=ystart,zstart=zstart,vxstart=vxstart,vystart=vystart,vzstart=vzstart,indx=indx, nsigma=nsigma,nsphere=nsphere,density=density, rmin=rmin,rmax=rmax,nmax=nmax,method=method,nneighbour=nneighbour) self._set_centre(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc,reset_centre=reset_centre) return xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc
[docs] def find_centre_of_density( self, xstart=0.0, ystart=0.0, zstart=0.0, vxstart=0.0, vystart=0.0, vzstart=0.0, indx=None, nsphere=100, rmin=0.1, rmax=None, nmax=100, method='harfst', nneighbour=6, reset_centre=False, ): """Find cluster's centre of density - Find cluster's centre of density: if method=='harfst' use (Harfst, S., Gualandris, A., Merritt, D., et al. 2007, NewA, 12, 357) courtesy of Yohai Meiron if method=='casertano' use (Casertano, S., Hut, P. 1985, ApJ, 298, 80) Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster xstart,ystart,zstart : float starting position for centre (default: 0,0,0) vxstart,vystart,vzstart : float starting velocity for centre (default: 0,0,0) indx: bool subset of stars to perform centre of density calculation on (default: None) nsphere : int number of stars in centre sphere (default:100) rmin : float minimum radius of sphere around which to estimate density centre (default: 0.1 cluster.units) rmax : float maxmimum radius of sphere around which to estimate density centre (default: None cluster.units, uses maximum r) nmax : float maximum number of iterations (default:100) method : str method for finding the centre of density ('harfst' (default), 'casertano') if method=='casertano' nneighbour : int number of neighbours for calculation local densities reset_centre : bool forcibly reset cluster's centre of mass (default: False) Returns ------- xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc : float coordinates of centre of mass HISTORY ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) with Yohai Meiron (UofT) 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) - add method=='casertano' """ xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc=find_centre_of_density(self,xstart=xstart, ystart=ystart,zstart=zstart,vxstart=vxstart,vystart=vystart,vzstart=vzstart,indx=indx, nsphere=nsphere,rmin=rmin,rmax=rmax,nmax=nmax) self._set_centre(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc,reset_centre=reset_centre) return xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc
[docs] def find_centre_of_mass(self,reset_centre=False): """ Find the centre of mass of the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc : float coordinates of centre of mass HISTORY ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc=find_centre_of_mass(self) self._set_centre(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc,reset_centre=reset_centre) return xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc
def _set_centre(self,xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc,reset_centre=False): """ Determine what cluster variables need to be set after finding centre Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc : float calculated coordinates of centre of mass Returns ------- xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc : float coordinates of centre of mass, possible adjusted for cluster origin HISTORY ------- 2023 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if self.origin=='centre': warning=False if xc!=0.0 or yc!=0.0 or zc!=0.0: warning=True if vxc!=0.0 or vyc!=0.0 or vzc!=0.0: warning=True if warning: print('Centre is not at origin') print('No Cluster Variables Set') elif self.origin=='cluster': self.xc, self.yc, self.zc = xc,yc,zc self.vxc, self.vyc, self.vzc = vxc,vyc,vzc elif self.origin == "galaxy": if self.units!='amuse': if (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc, self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.) or reset_centre: self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc = xc,yc,zc self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc = vxc, vyc, vzc self.xc, self.yc, self.zc = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 self.vxc, self.vyc, self.vzc = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 elif (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc,self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc): pass else: self.xc,self.yc,self.zc=xc-self.xgc,yc-self.ygc,zc-self.zgc self.vxc,self.vyc,self.vzc=vxc-self.vxgc,vyc-self.vygc,vzc-self.vzgc elif self.units=='amuse': if (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc, self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(0. | u.pc ,0. | u.pc,0. | u.pc,0. | u.kms,0. | u.kms ,0. | u.kms) or reset_centre: self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc = xc,yc,zc self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc = vxc, vyc, vzc self.xc, self.yc, self.zc = 0.0 | u.pc, 0.0 | u.pc, 0.0 | u.pc self.vxc, self.vyc, self.vzc = 0.0 | u.kms, 0.0 | u.kms , 0.0 | u.kms elif (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc,self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc): pass else: self.xc,self.yc,self.zc=xc-self.xgc,yc-self.ygc,zc-self.zgc self.vxc,self.vyc,self.vzc=vxc-self.vxgc,vyc-self.vygc,vzc-self.vzgc elif self.origin=='sky': if (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc, self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.) or reset_centre: self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc = xc,yc,zc self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc = vxc, vyc, vzc self.xc, self.yc, self.zc = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 self.vxc, self.vyc, self.vzc = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 elif (self.xgc, self.ygc, self.zgc,self.vxgc, self.vygc, self.vzgc)==(xc,yc,zc,vxc,vyc,vzc): pass else: print('No Cluster Variables Set') elif self.origin is None: self.xc, self.yc, self.zc = xc,yc,zc self.vxc, self.vyc, self.vzc = vxc,vyc,vzc else: print('No Cluster Variables Set')
[docs] def relaxation_time(self, rad=None, coulomb=0.4, projected=None,method='spitzer'): """Calculate the relaxation time (Spitzer & Hart 1971) within a given radius of the cluster - Spitzer, L. Jr, Hart, M.H. 1971, ApJ, 164, 399 (Equation 5) - Need to adjust amplitude for different input units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster rad : float radius within which to calculate the relaxation time (defult: cluster.rm) coulomb : float Coulomb parameter (default: 0.4) projected : bool use projected values (default: False) method : str choose between Spitzer & Hart 1971 and other methods (in development) Returns ------- trelax : float relaxation time within radius rad History ------- 2020 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.trelax=relaxation_time(self, rad=rad, coulomb=coulomb, projected=projected,method='spitzer') return self.trelax
[docs] def half_mass_relaxation_time(self, coulomb=0.4, projected=None): """ Calculate the half-mass relaxation time (Spitzer 1987) of the cluster - Spitzer, L. 1987, Dynamical evolution of globular clusters - Need to adjust amplitude for different input units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster coulomb : float Coulomb parameter (default: 0.4) projected : bool use projected values (default: False) Returns ------- trh : float half-mass relaxation time within radius rad History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.trh=half_mass_relaxation_time(self, coulomb=coulomb, projected=projected) return self.trh
[docs] def core_relaxation_time(self, coulomb=0.4, projected=None): """ Calculate the core relaxation time (Stone & Ostriker 2015) of the cluster - Stone, N.C. & Ostriker, J.P. 2015, ApJ, 806, 28 Parameters cluster : class StarCluster coulomb : float Coulomb parameter (default: 0.4) projected : bool use projected values (default: False) method : str choose between Stone & Ostriker 2015 and other methods (in development) Returns trc History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.trc=core_relaxation_time(self, coulomb=coulomb, projected=projected) return self.trc
[docs] def energies(self, specific=True, ids=None, projected=None,softening=0.0, full=True, parallel=False, **kwargs): """Calculate kinetic and potential energy of every star Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance specific : bool find specific energies (default: True) ids: boolean array or integer array if given, find the energues of a subset of stars defined either by an array of star ids, or a boolean array that can be used to slice the cluster (default: None) projected : bool use projected values (default: False) softening : float Plummer softening length in cluster.units (default: 0.0) full : bool calculate distance of full array of stars at once with numbra (default: True) parallel : bool calculate distances in parallel (default: False) Returns ------- kin,pot : float kinetic and potential energy of every star if the i_d argument is not used. If i_d argument is used, return an arrays with potential and kinetic energy in the same shape of i_d History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) 2022 - Updated with support for multiple ids or an idexing array - Gillis (UofT) """ if ids is None: ids=kwargs.get('i_d',None) if projected == None: projected=self.projected self.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = self.units0,self.origin0, self.rorder0, self.rorder_origin0 if self.origin0 != 'cluster' and self.origin0 != 'centre': self.to_cluster(sortstars=False) if self.units=='amuse': self.to_pckms() kin, pot = energies(self, specific=specific, ids=ids, softening=softening, full=full, projected=projected, parallel=parallel) if ids is not None: # Convert ids to boolean array if given as an array of ids if isinstance(ids,int) or isinstance(ids,float) or isinstance(ids,np.int64) or isinstance(ids,np.float64): ids = == ids elif isinstance(ids[0],int) or isinstance(ids[0],float) or isinstance(ids[0],np.int64) or isinstance(ids[0],np.float64): ids = np.in1d(, ids) kin_full, pot_full = np.zeros(self.ntot), np.zeros(self.ntot) kin_full[ids], pot_full[ids] = kin, pot self.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) if self.units=='amuse' and specific: kin_full=kin_full | (u.kms*u.kms) pot_full=pot_full | (u.kms*u.kms) kin=kin | (u.kms*u.kms) pot=pot | (u.kms*u.kms) elif self.units=='amuse' and not specific: kin_full=kin_full | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) pot_full=pot_full | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) kin=kin | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) pot=pot | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) self.add_energies(kin_full, pot_full) return kin, pot else: self.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) if self.units=='amuse' and specific: kin=kin | (u.kms*u.kms) pot=pot | (u.kms*u.kms) elif self.units=='amuse' and not specific: kin=kin | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) pot=pot | (u.MSun*u.kms*u.kms) self.add_energies(kin, pot) return self.kin, self.pot
[docs] def closest_star(self, projected=None, argmument=False): """Find distance to closest star for each star - uses numba Parameters ---------- cluster : class positions of stars within the StarCluster projected : bool use projected values (default: False) argument : bool return argument of closest star as well (default: False) Returns ------- minimum_distance : float distance to closest star for each star if argument: arg : int argument of closest star for each star History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected if argument: self.dclosest,self.argclosest=closest_star(self, projected=projected,argument=argument) return self.dclosest,self.argclosest else: self.dclosest=closest_star(self, projected=projected) return self.dclosest
[docs] def rlagrange(self, nlagrange=10, projected=None): """Calculate lagrange radii of the cluster by mass Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster nlagrange : int number of lagrange radii bins (default: 10) mfrac : float Exact masss fraction to calculate radius. Will supersede nlagrange if not None (default : None) projected : bool calculate projected lagrange radii (default: False) Returns ------- rn : float lagrange radii History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.rn = rlagrange(self, nlagrange=nlagrange, projected=projected) return self.rn
[docs] def virial_radius(self,method='inverse_distance', full=True, H=70.0, Om=0.3, overdens=200.0, nrad=20, projected=None, plot=False, **kwargs): """Calculate virial radius of the cluster - Virial radius is calculated using either: -- the average inverse distance between particles, weighted by their masses (default) -- the radius at which the density is equal to the critical density of the Universe at the redshift of the system, multiplied by an overdensity constant Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster method : str method for calculating virial radius (default: 'inverse_distance', alternative: 'critical_density') Returns ------- rv : float virial radius Other Parameters ---------------- full : bool Use Numba to calculate average inverse distance between stars (default:True) H : float Hubble constant Om : float density of matter overdens : float overdensity constant projected : bool calculate projected virial radius (default: False) plot : bool plot cluster density profile and illustrate virial radius calculation kwargs : str key word arguments for plotting function History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected==None: projected=self.projected self.rv = virial_radius(self,method=method, full=full, H=H, Om=Om, overdens=overdens, nrad=nrad, projected=projected, plot=plot, **kwargs) return self.rv
[docs] def mass_function( self, mmin=None, mmax=None, nmass=10, rmin=None, rmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=1, indx=None, mcorr=None, projected=False, plot=False, **kwargs ): """Find mass function over a given mass range - mass bins are set up so that there are an equal number of stars in each bin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mmin/mmax : float specific mass range nmass : number of mass bins used to calculate alpha rmin/rmax : specific radial range vmin/vmax : float specific velocity range emin/emax : float specific energy range kwmin/kwmax : int specific stellar evolution type range npop : int population number indx : bool specific subset of stars projected : bool use projected values (default: False) mcorr : float completeness correction for masses plot : bool plot the mass function Returns ------- m_mean : float mean mass in each bin m_hist : float number of stars in each bin dm : float dN/dm of each bin alpha : float power-law slope of the mass function (dN/dm ~ m^alpha) ealpha : float error in alpha yalpha : float y-intercept of fit to log(dN/dm) vs log(m) eyalpha : float error in yalpha Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.mmin=mmin self.mmax=mmax if projected==None: projected=self.projected m_mean, m_hist, dm, alpha, ealpha, yalpha, eyalpha = mass_function( self, mmin=mmin, mmax=mmax, nmass=nmass, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, emin=emin, emax=emax, kwmin=kwmin, kwmax=kwmax, indx=indx, mcorr=mcorr, projected=projected, plot=plot, title="GLOBAL", **kwargs ) self.alpha = alpha return self.alpha
[docs] def tapered_mass_function( cluster, mmin=None, mmax=None, nmass=10, rmin=None, rmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=1, npop=None, indx=None, projected=False, mcorr=None, plot=False, **kwargs ): """Find a tapered mass function over a given mass range - mass bins are set up so that there are an equal number of stars in each bin - functional form of the tapered mass function is taken from De Marchi, Paresce & Portegies Zwart 2010 Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mmin/mmax : float specific mass range nmass : number of mass bins used to calculate alpha rmin/rmax : specific radial range vmin/vmax : float specific velocity range emin/emax : float specific energy range kwmin/kwmax : int specific stellar evolution type range npop : int population number indx : bool specific subset of stars projected : bool use projected values (default: False) mcorr : float completeness correction for masses plot : bool plot the mass function Returns ------- m_mean : float mean mass in each bin m_hist : float number of stars in each bin dm : float dN/dm of each bin alpha : float power-law slope of the mass function (dN/dm ~ m^alpha) ealpha : float error in alpha yalpha : float y-intercept of fit to log(dN/dm) vs log(m) eyalpha : float error in yalpha Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.mmin=mmin self.mmax=mmax if projected==None: projected=self.projected m_mean, m_hist, dm, A, eA, alpha, ealpha, mc, emc, beta, ebeta= tapered_mass_function( cluster, mmin=mmin, mmax=mmax, nmass=nmass, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, emin=emin, emax=emax, kwmin=kwmin, kwmax=kwmax, npop=npop, indx=indx, projected=projected, mcorr=mcorr, plot=plot, **kwargs ) self.alpha=alpha return self.alpha
[docs] def eta_function( self, mmin=None, mmax=None, nmass=10, rmin=None, rmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=1, indx=None, projected=False, plot=False, **kwargs ): """ NAME: Find power slope of velocity dispersion versus mass - mass bins are set up so that there are an equal number of stars in each bin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mmin/mmax : float specific mass range nmass : number of mass bins used to calculate alpha rmin/rmax : specific radial range vmin/vmax : float specific velocity range emin/emax : float specific energy range kwmin/kwmax : int specific stellar evolution type range npop : int population number indx : bool specific subset of stars projected : bool use projected values (default: False) plot : bool plot the mass function Returns ------- m_mean : float mean mass in each bin sigvm : float velocity dispersion of stars in each bin eta : float power-law slope of (sigvm ~ m^eta) eeta : float error in eta yeta : float y-intercept of fit to log(sigvm) vs log(m) eeta : float error in yeta Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.mmin=mmin self.mmax=mmax m_mean, sigvm, eta, eeta, yeta, eyeta = eta_function( self, mmin=mmin, mmax=mmax, nmass=nmass, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, emin=emin, emax=emax, kwmin=kwmin, kwmax=kwmax, indx=indx, projected=projected, plot=plot, **kwargs ) self.eta = eta return self.eta
[docs] def meq_function( self, mmin=None, mmax=None, nmass=10, rmin=None, rmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=1, indx=None, projected=False, plot=False, **kwargs ): """ NAME: Find meq from velocity dispersion versus mass - mass bins are set up so that there are an equal number of stars in each bin - As per Bianchini, P. et al. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 3644, velocity dispersion versus mass is fit with the following: sigma(m)= sigma e^(-1/2 m/meq) if m<= meq = sigma0 e^(-1/2) (m/meq)^-1/2 if m > meq Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mmin/mmax : float specific mass range nmass : number of mass bins used to calculate alpha rmin/rmax : specific radial range vmin/vmax : float specific velocity range emin/emax : float specific energy range kwmin/kwmax : int specific stellar evolution type range npop : int population number indx : bool specific subset of stars projected : bool use projected values (default: False) plot : bool plot the mass function Returns ------- m_mean : float mean mass in each bin sigvm : float velocity dispersion of stars in each bin meq : float Bianchini fit to sigvm vs m emeq : float error in Bianchini fit to sigvm vs m sigma0 : float Bianchini fit to sigvm vs m esigma0 : float error in Bianchini fit to sigvm vs m Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2020 """ self.mmin=mmin self.mmax=mmax m_mean, sigvm, meq, emeq, sigma0, esigma0 = meq_function( self, mmin=mmin, mmax=mmax, nmass=nmass, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, emin=emin, emax=emax, kwmin=kwmin, kwmax=kwmax, indx=indx, projected=projected, plot=plot, **kwargs ) self.meq = meq return self.meq
[docs] def ckin( self, mmin=None, mmax=None, nmass=10, rmin=None, rmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=1, indx=None, projected=False, ): """ NAME: Find the kinematic concentration parameter ck - see Bianchini et al. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 96 Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mmin/mmax : float specific mass range nmass : number of mass bins used to calculate alpha rmin/rmax : specific radial range vmin/vmax : float specific velocity range emin/emax : float specific energy range kwmin/kwmax : int specific stellar evolution type range npop : int population number indx : bool specific subset of stars projected : bool use projected values (default: False) Returns ------- ck : float kinematic concentration Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2020 """ c_k = ckin( self, mmin=mmin, mmax=mmax, nmass=nmass, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, emin=emin, emax=emax, kwmin=kwmin, kwmax=kwmax, indx=indx, projected=projected, ) return
[docs] def rcore( self, method='casertano', nneighbour=6, mfrac=0.1, projected=False, plot=False, **kwargs ): """Calculate core radius of the cluster -- The default method (method='casertano') follows Casertano, S., Hut, P. 1985, ApJ, 298, 80 to find the core -- An alternative metrhod (method=='isothermal') assumes the cluster is an isothermal sphere the core radius is where density drops to 1/3 central value --- For projected core radius, the core radius is where the surface density profile drops to 1/2 the central value --- Note that the inner mass fraction of stars used to calculate central density is set by mfrac (default 0.1 = 10%) Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance method : string method of calculating the core radius of a star cluster (default 'casertano') if method =='casertano': nneighbour : int number of neighbours for calculation local densities if method=='isothermal': mfrac : float inner mass fraction to be used to establish the central density projected : bool use projected values (default: False) plot : bool plot the density profile and mark the core radius of the cluster (default: False) Returns ------- rc : float core radius Other Parameters ---------------- None History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.rc = rcore( self, method=method, nneighbour=nneighbour, mfrac=mfrac, projected=projected, plot=plot, **kwargs ) return self.rc
[docs] def rtidal(self, pot=None, rtiterate=0, rtconverge=0.9, indx=None, rgc=None, from_centre=False, plot=False, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Calculate tidal radius of the cluster - The calculation uses Galpy (Bovy 2015_, which takes the formalism of Bertin & Varri 2008 to calculate the tidal radius -- Bertin, G. & Varri, A.L. 2008, ApJ, 689, 1005 -- Bovy J., 2015, ApJS, 216, 29 - riterate = 0 corresponds to a single calculation of the tidal radius based on the cluster's mass (np.sum(cluster.m)) -- Additional iterations take the mass within the previous iteration's calculation of the tidal radius and calculates the tidal radius again using the new mass until the change is less than 90% - for cases where the cluster's orbital parameters are not set, it is possible to manually set rgc which is assumed to be in kpc. Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance pot : class GALPY potential used to calculate tidal radius (default: None) rtiterate : int how many times to iterate on the calculation of r_t (default: 0) rtconverge : float criteria for tidal radius convergence within iterations (default 0.9) indx : bool subset of stars to use when calculate the tidal radius (default: None) rgc : float Manually set galactocentric distance in kpc at which the tidal radius is to be evaluated (default: None) zgc : float For non-spherically symmetric potentials, manually set distance in kpc above disk at which the tidal radius is to be evaluated. When set, rgc becomes radius in cylindrical coordinates (default: None) from_centre : bool calculate tidal radius based on location of cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) plot : bool plot the x and y coordinates of stars and mark the tidal radius of the cluster (default: False) verbose : bool Print information about iterative calculation of rt Returns ------- rt : float tidal radius Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.rt = rtidal(self, pot=pot, rtiterate=rtiterate,rtconverge=rtconverge, indx=indx, rgc=rgc, from_centre=from_centre, plot=plot, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) return self.rt
[docs] def rlimiting( self, pot=None, rgc=None, nrad=20, projected=False, plot=False, from_centre=False, verbose=False, **kwargs ): """Calculate limiting radius of the cluster - The limiting radius is defined to be where the cluster's density reaches the local background density of the host galaxy - for cases where the cluster's orbital parameters are not set, it is possible to manually set rgc which is assumed to be in kpc. Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class GALPY potential used to calculate actions rgc : Manually set galactocentric distance in kpc at which the tidal radius is to be evaluated (default: None) zgc : float For non-spherically symmetric potentials, manually set distance in kpc above disk at which the tidal radius is to be evaluated. When set, rgc becomes radius in cylindrical coordinates (default: None) nrad : int number of radial bins used to calculate density profile (Default: 20) projected : bool use projected values (default: False) plot : bool plot the density profile and mark the limiting radius of the cluster (default: False) from_centre : bool calculate tidal radius based on location of cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) verbose : bool Returns ------- rl : float limiting radius Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : str key words for plotting History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.rl = rlimiting( self, pot=pot, rgc=rgc, nrad=nrad, projected=projected, plot=plot, from_centre=from_centre, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) return self.rl
[docs] def initialize_orbit(self, from_centre=False, ro=None, vo=None,zo=None, solarmotion=None): """ Initialize a galpy orbit instance for the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro : float galpy distance scale (default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- orbit : class GALPY orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.orbit=initialize_orbit(self, from_centre=from_centre, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) return self.orbit
[docs] def initialize_orbits(self,ro=None, vo=None, zo=None,solarmotion=None): """Initialize a galpy orbit for every star in the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster ro : float galpy distance scale (default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- orbit : class GALPY orbit History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.orbits=initialize_orbits(self,ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) return self.orbits
[docs] def interpolate_orbit(self,pot=None,tfinal=None,nt=1000,from_centre=False, ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None): """ Interpolate past or future position of cluster and escaped stars Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster cluster_pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc=interpolate_orbit(self,pot=pot,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,from_centre=from_centre, ro=ro,vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) origin0=self.origin self.to_cluster() self.add_orbit(xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc) if self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky': self.ra_gc,self.dec_gc,self.dist_gc=xgc,ygc,zgc self.pmra_gc,self.pmdec_gc,self.vlos_gc=vxgc,vygc,vzgc self.to_origin(origin0) return self.xgc,self.ygc,self.zgc,self.vxgc,self.vygc,self.vzgc
[docs] def orbit_interpolate(self,pot=None,tfinal=None,nt=1000,from_centre=False,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None): """ Interpolate past or future position of cluster and escaped stars - same as interpolate_orbit, but included for legacy purposes Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster cluster_pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps from_centre : bool intialize orbits from cluster's exact centre instead of cluster's position in galaxy (default :False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.interpolate_orbit(self,pot=pot,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,from_centre=from_centre,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion)
[docs] def interpolate_orbits(self,pot=None,tfinal=None,nt=1000,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None): """ Interpolate past or future position of stars within the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ x,y,z,vx,vy,vz=interpolate_orbits(self,pot=pot,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,ro=ro,vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) if (self.origin=='centre' or self.origin=='cluster') and self.units!='radec': self.x,self.y,self.z=x,y,z self.vx,self.vy,self.vz=vx,vy,vz elif self.origin=='sky' and self.units=='radec': self.to_sky() self.ra,self.dec,self.dist=x,y,z self.pmra,self.pmdec,self.vlos=vx,vy,vz self.x,self.y,self.z=x,y,z self.vx,self.vy,self.vz=vx,vy,vz elif self.units=='radec' and (self.origin=='centre' or self.origin=='cluster'): print('CANT INTEGRATE ORBITS WITH FROM_CENTRE OR FROM_CLUSTER AND RETURN IN SKY COORDINATES') else: self.x,self.y,self.z=x,y,z self.vx,self.vy,self.vz=vx,vy,vz if self.origin!='centre' and self.origin!='cluster' : if pot is None: xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc=interpolate_orbit(self,pot=None,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt, ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) else: xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc=interpolate_orbit(self,pot=pot,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt, ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion) self.add_orbit(xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc) if self.units=='radec' and self.origin=='sky': self.ra_gc,self.dec_gc,self.dist_gc=xgc,ygc,zgc self.pmra_gc,self.pmdec_gc,self.vlos_gc=vxgc,vygc,vzgc return self.x,self.y,self.z,self.vx,self.vy,self.vz
[docs] def orbits_interpolate(self,pot=None,tfinal=None,nt=1000,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None): """ Interpolate past or future position of stars within the cluster - same as interpolate_orbits, but kept for legacy purposes Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster pot : class Galpy potential for host cluster that orbit is to be integrated in if None, assume a Plumme Potential tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 12 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) Returns ------- x,y,z : float interpolated positions of each star vx,vy,vz : float interpolated velocities of each star History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.interpolate_orbits(self,pot=pot,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion)
[docs] def orbital_path(self,tfinal=0.1,nt=1000,pot=None,from_centre=False, skypath=False,initialize=False,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None, plot=False,**kwargs): """Calculate the cluster's orbital path Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) initialize : bool Initialize and return Orbit (default: False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) Returns ------- t : float times for which path is provided x,y,z : float orbit positions vx,vy,vz : float orbit velocity o : class galpy orbit (if initialize==True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if initialize: self.tpath,self.xpath,self.ypath,self.zpath,self.vxpath,self.vypath,self.vzpath,self.orbit=orbital_path(self,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,pot=pot,from_centre=from_centre,skypath=skypath,initialize=initialize,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,**kwargs) else: self.tpath,self.xpath,self.ypath,self.zpath,self.vxpath,self.vypath,self.vzpath=orbital_path(self,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,pot=pot,from_centre=from_centre,skypath=skypath,initialize=initialize,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,**kwargs) return self.tpath,self.xpath,self.ypath,self.zpath,self.vxpath,self.vypath,self.vzpath
[docs] def orbital_path_match(self,tfinal=0.1,nt=1000,pot=None,path=None,from_centre=False, skypath=False,to_path=False,do_full=False,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None,plot=False,projected=False,**kwargs): """Match stars to a position along the orbital path of the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) nt : int number of timesteps pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) path : array array of (t,x,y,x,vx,vy,vz) corresponding to the tail path. If none path is calculated (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) if True, projected is set to True to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- tstar : float orbital time associated with star dprog : float distance along the orbit to the progenitor dpath : distance to centre of the orbital path bin (Default) or the orbit path (to_path = True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.tstar,self.dprog,self.dpath=orbital_path_match(self,tfinal=tfinal,nt=nt,pot=pot,path=path, from_centre=from_centre,skypath=skypath,to_path=to_path,do_full=do_full,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,projected=projected,**kwargs) return self.tstar,self.dprog,self.dpath
[docs] def to_tail(self): """Calculate positions and velocities of stars when rotated such that clusters velocity vector points along x-axis - no change to coordinates in StarCluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- x_tail,y_tail,z_tail,vx_tail,vy_tail,vz_tail : float rotated coordinates with cluster's velocity vector point along x-axis History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.x_tail,self.y_tail,self.z_tail,self.vx_tail,self.vy_tail,self.vz_tail=to_tail(self) self.r_tail = np.sqrt(self.x_tail ** 2.0 + self.y_tail ** 2.0 + self.z_tail ** 2.0) self.v_tail = np.sqrt(self.vx_tail ** 2.0 + self.vy_tail ** 2.0 + self.vz_tail ** 2.0)
[docs] def tail_path(self,dt=0.1,no=1000,nt=100,ntail=100,pot=None,dmax=None,bintype='fix',from_centre=False,skypath=False, to_path=False, do_full=False, ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None,plot=False,**kwargs): """Calculate tail path +/- dt Gyr around the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster dt : float timestep that StarCluster is to be moved to no : int number of timesteps for orbit integration (default:1000) nt : int number of points along the tail to set the tail spacing (default: 100) ntail : int number of points along the tail with roaming average (default: 1000) pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) dmax : float maximum distance (assumed to be same units as cluster) from orbital path to be included in generating tail path (default: None) bintype : str type of binning for tail stars (default : 'fix') from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- t : float times for which path is provided x,y,z : float tail path positions vx,vy,vz : float tail path velocities History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) 2019 - Implemented numpy array preallocation to minimize runtime - Nathaniel Starkman (UofT) """ self.tpath,self.xpath,self.ypath,self.zpath,self.vxpath,self.vypath,self.vzpath=tail_path(self,dt=dt,no=no,nt=nt,ntail=ntail,pot=pot,dmax=dmax,bintype=bintype,from_centre=from_centre,skypath=skypath,to_path=to_path,do_full=do_full,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,**kwargs) return self.tpath,self.xpath,self.ypath,self.zpath,self.vxpath,self.vypath,self.vzpath
[docs] def tail_path_match(self,dt=0.1,no=1000,nt=100,ntail=100, pot=None,dmax=None,from_centre=False, to_path=False,do_full=False,ro=None,vo=None,zo=None,solarmotion=None,plot=False,**kwargs,): """Match stars to a position along the tail path of the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster dt : float timestep that StarCluster is to be moved to no : int number of timesteps for orbit integration (default:1000) nt : int number of points along the tail to set the tail spacing (default: 100) ntail : int number of points along the tail with roaming average (default: 1000) pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) path : array array of (t,x,y,x,vx,vy,vz) corresponding to the tail path. If none path is calculated (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) if True, projected is set to True to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro :float galpy distance scale (Default: None) vo : float galpy velocity scale (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- tstar : float orbital time associated with star dprog : float distance along the path to the progenitor dpath : distance to centre of the tail path bin (default) or the tail path (to_path = True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ self.tstar,self.dprog,self.dpath=tail_path_match(self,dt=dt,no=no,nt=nt,ntail=ntail,pot=pot,dmax=dmax, from_centre=from_centre,to_path=to_path,do_full=do_full,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,**kwargs) return self.tstar,self.dprog,self.dpath
def _get_subset( cluster, rmin=None, rmax=None, mmin=None, mmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=15, npop=None, indx=[None], projected=False, **kwargs, ): """Generate a boolean array that corresponds to subset of star cluster members that meet a certain criteria Parameters ---------- rmin/rmax : float minimum and maximum stellar radii mmin/mmax : float minimum and maximum stellar mass vmin/vmax : float minimum and maximum stellar velocity emin/emax : float minimum and maximum stellar energy kwmin/kwmax : int minimum and maximum stellar type (kw) npop : int population number indx : bool user defined boolean array from which to extract the subset projected : bool use projected values and constraints (default:False) Returns ------- indx : bool boolean array that is True for stars that meet the criteria History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if projected: r = cluster.rpro v = cluster.vpro else: r = cluster.r v = cluster.v if rmin == None: rmin = np.amin(r) if rmax == None: rmax = np.amax(r) if vmin == None: vmin = np.amin(v) if vmax == None: vmax = np.amax(v) if mmin == None: mmin = np.amin(cluster.m) if mmax == None: mmax = np.amax(cluster.m) if npop == None: npopindx = np.ones(cluster.ntot,dtype=bool) else: npopindx=(cluster.npop == npop) if emin == None and emax != None: eindx = cluster.etot <= emax elif emin != None and emax == None: eindx = cluster.etot >= emin elif emin != None and emax != None: eindx = (cluster.etot <= emax) * (cluster.etot >= emin) else: eindx = np.ones(cluster.ntot,dtype=bool) if len( > 0: kwindx=(( >= kwmin) * ( <= kwmax)) else: kwindx = np.ones(cluster.ntot,dtype=bool) if indx is None: indx = np.ones(cluster.ntot,dtype=bool) elif None in indx: indx = np.ones(cluster.ntot,dtype=bool) # Build subcluster containing only stars in the full radial and mass range: try: indx *= ( (r >= rmin) * (r <= rmax) * (cluster.m >= mmin) * (cluster.m <= mmax) * (v >= vmin) * (v <= vmax) * npopindx * kwindx * eindx ) except: print('SUBSET ERROR: ',rmin,rmax,mmin,mmax,vmin,vmax,np.sum(kwindx),np.sum(eindx)) indx=-1 return indx
[docs]def sub_cluster( cluster, rmin=None, rmax=None, mmin=None, mmax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, emin=None, emax=None, kwmin=0, kwmax=15, npop=None, indx=[None], projected=False, sortstars=True, reset_centre=False, reset_nbody=False, reset_nbody_mass=False, reset_nbody_radii=False, reset_rvirial=False, reset_projected=False, **kwargs ): """Extract a sub population of stars from a StarCluster - automatically moves cluster to centre of mass, so all constraints are in clustercentric coordinates and current StarCluster.units Parameters ---------- rmin/rmax : float minimum and maximum stellar radii mmin/mmax : float minimum and maximum stellar mass vmin/vmax : float minimum and maximum stellar velocity emin/emax : float minimum and maximum stellar energy kwmin/kwmax : int minimum and maximum stellar type (kw) npop : int population number indx : bool user defined boolean array from which to extract the subset projected : bool use projected values and constraints (default:False) sortstars: bool order stars by radius (default: True) reset_centre : bool re-calculate cluster centre after extraction (default:False) reset_nbody : bool reset nbody scaling factors (default:False) reset_nbody_mass : bool find new nbody scaling mass (default:False) reset_nbody_radii : bool find new nbody scaling radius (default:False) reset_rvirial : bool use virial radius to find nbody scaling radius (default: True) reset_projected : bool use projected radii to find nbody scaling radius (default: False) Returns ------- StarCluster History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ cluster.save_cluster() units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = cluster.units0,cluster.origin0, cluster.rorder0, cluster.rorder_origin0 if projected: r = cluster.rpro v = cluster.vpro else: r = cluster.r v = cluster.v """ if rmin == None: rmin = np.amin(r) if rmax == None: rmax = np.amax(r) if vmin == None: vmin = np.amin(v) if vmax == None: vmax = np.amax(v) if mmin == None: mmin = np.amin(cluster.m) if mmax == None: mmax = np.amax(cluster.m) if emin == None and emax != None: eindx = cluster.etot <= emax elif emin != None and emax == None: eindx = cluster.etot >= emin elif emin != None and emax != None: eindx = (cluster.etot <= emax) * (cluster.etot >= emin) else: eindx = > -1 if None in indx: indx = > -1 indx *= ( (r >= rmin) * (r <= rmax) * (cluster.m >= mmin) * (cluster.m <= mmax) * (v >= vmin) * (v <= vmax) * eindx ) if len( > 0: indx*=(( >= kwmin) * ( <= kwmax)) """ indx=cluster.subset(rmin=rmin,rmax=rmax,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax,mmin=mmin,mmax=mmax,emin=emin,emax=emax,kwmin=kwmin,kwmax=kwmax,npop=npop,indx=indx,projected=projected) if np.sum(indx) > 0: subcluster = StarCluster( cluster.tphys, units=cluster.units, origin=cluster.origin, ctype=cluster.ctype, ro=cluster._ro, vo=cluster._vo, zo=cluster._zo, solarmotion=cluster._solarmotion, ) subcluster.add_stars( cluster.x[indx], cluster.y[indx], cluster.z[indx], cluster.vx[indx], cluster.vy[indx], cluster.vz[indx], cluster.m[indx],[indx], cluster.m0[indx], cluster.npop[indx], sortstars=sortstars, ) if len(cluster.ra)==len(cluster.x): subcluster.ra, subcluster.dec, subcluster.dist = ( cluster.ra[indx], cluster.dec[indx], cluster.dist[indx], ) subcluster.pmra, subcluster.pmdec, subcluster.vlos = ( cluster.pmra[indx], cluster.pmdec[indx], cluster.vlos[indx], ) subcluster.add_nbody6(,cluster.rc,cluster.rbar, cluster.rtide,cluster.xc,cluster.yc,cluster.zc, cluster.zmbar,cluster.vbar,cluster.tbar,cluster.rscale, cluster.ns,cluster.nb,cluster.n_p) subcluster.projected = cluster.projected subcluster.centre_method = cluster.centre_method if len(cluster.logl) > 0: if len(cluster.ep) !=0 and len(cluster.ospin) != 0: subcluster.add_sse([indx], cluster.logl[indx], cluster.logr[indx], cluster.ep[indx], cluster.ospin[indx], ) else: subcluster.add_sse([indx], cluster.logl[indx], cluster.logr[indx], ) elif len( > 0: =[indx] if len(cluster.id2) > 0: bindx1 = np.in1d(cluster.id1,[indx]) bindx2 = np.in1d(cluster.id2,[indx]) bindx=np.logical_or(bindx1,bindx2) if len(cluster.ep1) !=0 and len(cluster.ospin1) != 0: subcluster.add_bse( cluster.id1[bindx], cluster.id2[bindx], cluster.kw1[bindx], cluster.kw2[bindx], cluster.kcm[bindx], cluster.ecc[bindx], cluster.pb[bindx], cluster.semi[bindx], cluster.m1[bindx], cluster.m2[bindx], cluster.logl1[bindx], cluster.logl2[bindx], cluster.logr1[bindx], cluster.logr2[bindx], cluster.ep1[bindx], cluster.ep2[bindx], cluster.ospin1[bindx], cluster.ospin2[bindx], ) else: subcluster.add_bse( cluster.id1[bindx], cluster.id2[bindx], cluster.kw1[bindx], cluster.kw2[bindx], cluster.kcm[bindx], cluster.ecc[bindx], cluster.pb[bindx], cluster.semi[bindx], cluster.m1[bindx], cluster.m2[bindx], cluster.logl1[bindx], cluster.logl2[bindx], cluster.logr1[bindx], cluster.logr2[bindx], ) if len(cluster.etot) > 0: subcluster.add_energies( cluster.kin[indx], cluster.pot[indx], ) if cluster.give == 'mxvpqael': subcluster.give=cluster.give subcluster.gyrpot=cluster.gyrpot[indx] subcluster.gyrq=cluster.gyrq[indx] subcluster.gyracc=cluster.gyracc[indx] subcluster.eps=cluster.eps[indx] subcluster.gyrlev=cluster.gyrlev[indx] elif cluster.give =='mxve': subcluster.give=cluster.give subcluster.eps=cluster.eps[indx] if reset_centre: subcluster.add_orbit( cluster.xgc, cluster.ygc, cluster.zgc, cluster.vxgc, cluster.vygc, cluster.vzgc, ) if cluster.origin=='centre' or cluster.origin=='cluster': subcluster.find_centre(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, reset_centre=reset_centre) else: subcluster.find_centre(reset_centre=reset_centre) else: subcluster.add_orbit( cluster.xgc, cluster.ygc, cluster.zgc, cluster.vxgc, cluster.vygc, cluster.vzgc, ) subcluster.xc, subcluster.yc, subcluster.zc = ( cluster.xc, cluster.yc, cluster.zc, ) subcluster.vxc, subcluster.vyc, subcluster.vzc = ( cluster.vxc, cluster.vyc, cluster.vzc, ) subcluster.ra_gc, subcluster.dec_gc, subcluster.dist_gc = cluster.ra_gc, cluster.dec_gc, cluster.dist_gc subcluster.pmra_gc, subcluster.pmdec_gc, subcluster.vlos_gc = ( cluster.pmra_gc, cluster.pmdec_gc, cluster.vlos_gc, ) if reset_nbody: subcluster.to_pckms() subcluster.analyze() subcluster.reset_nbody_scale(mass=True,radius=True,rvirial=reset_rvirial,projected=reset_projected,**kwargs) elif reset_nbody_mass or reset_nbody_radii: subcluster.to_pckms() subcluster.analyze() subcluster.reset_nbody_scale(mass=reset_nbody_mass,radius=reset_nbody_radii,rvirial=reset_rvirial,projected=reset_projected,**kwargs) else: subcluster = StarCluster(cluster.tphys) if subcluster.ntot > 0: if subcluster.units!=units0: subcluster.to_units(units0) if subcluster.origin!=origin0: subcluster.to_origin(origin0) subcluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars) cluster.return_cluster(units0,origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return subcluster
[docs]def overlap_cluster(cluster1,cluster2,tol=0.1,projected=False,return_cluster=True): """Extract a sub population of stars from cluster1 that spatially overlaps with cluster2 Parameters ---------- cluster1 : StarCluster cluster from which stars are to be extracted cluster2 : StarCluster cluster from which overlap region is defined tol: float tolerance parameter for how much regions need to overlap (default: 0.1) projected : bool use projected values and constraints (default:False) return_cluster: bool returns a sub_cluster if True, otherwise return the boolean array (default:True) Returns ------- StarCluster History ------- 2021 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ indx=np.zeros(cluster1.ntot,dtype=bool) drmin=np.zeros(cluster1.ntot) for i in range(0,cluster1.ntot): dx=cluster1.x[i]-cluster2.x dy=cluster1.y[i]-cluster2.y if not projected: dz=cluster1.z[i]-cluster2.z dr=np.sqrt(dx**2.+dy**2.+dz**2.) else: dr=np.sqrt(dx**2.+dy**2.) drmin[i]=np.amin(dr) if np.amin(dr) < tol: indx[i]=True if return_cluster: return sub_cluster(cluster1,indx=indx) else: return indx