Source code for clustertools.cluster.operations

""" Perform an operation on a cluster and return a new cluster


__author__ = "Jeremy J Webb"

__all__ = [

from ..util.constants import *
import numpy as np
from galpy.orbit import Orbit
from galpy.util import _rotate_to_arbitrary_vector
    from galpy.util import coords,conversion
    import galpy.util.bovy_coords as coords
    import galpy.util.bovy_conversion as conversion
from copy import copy
    import numba

    import amuse.units.units as u

[docs]def to_pckms(cluster,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to pc and km/s Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units == "galpy" or cluster.units == "radec" or cluster.units =="WDunits" or cluster.units=='kpcgyr': cluster.to_kpckms(analyze=False) elif cluster.units == 'amuse': from_amuse(cluster) if cluster.units == "nbody": cluster.tphys *= cluster.tbar cluster.m *= cluster.zmbar cluster.x *= cluster.rbar cluster.y *= cluster.rbar cluster.z *= cluster.rbar cluster.vx *= cluster.vbar cluster.vy *= cluster.vbar cluster.vz *= cluster.vbar cluster.xc *= cluster.rbar cluster.yc *= cluster.rbar cluster.zc *= cluster.rbar cluster.vxc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vyc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vzc *= cluster.vbar cluster.xgc *= cluster.rbar cluster.ygc *= cluster.rbar cluster.zgc *= cluster.rbar cluster.vxgc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vygc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vzgc *= cluster.vbar cluster.units = "pckms" elif cluster.units == "kpckms": cluster.tphys *= 1000.0 cluster.x *= 1000.0 cluster.y *= 1000.0 cluster.z *= 1000.0 cluster.xgc *= 1000.0 cluster.ygc *= 1000.0 cluster.zgc *= 1000.0 cluster.xc *= 1000.0 cluster.yc *= 1000.0 cluster.zc *= 1000.0 cluster.units = "pckms" elif cluster.units == 'pcmyr': cluster.vx/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vy/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vz/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxgc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vygc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzgc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vyc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.units = "pckms" if analyze: cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_kpckms(cluster,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to kpc and km/s Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=cluster._ro,cluster._vo,cluster._zo,cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units == "radec": from_radec(cluster) elif cluster.units == 'pcmyr': cluster.to_pckms(analyze=False) elif cluster.units == 'amuse': from_amuse(cluster) if cluster.units == "galpy": cluster.tphys *= conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro,vo=vo) cluster.m *= conversion.mass_in_msol(ro=ro, vo=vo) cluster.x *= ro cluster.y *= ro cluster.z *= ro cluster.vx *= vo cluster.vy *= vo cluster.vz *= vo cluster.xc *= ro cluster.yc *= ro cluster.zc *= ro cluster.vxc *= vo cluster.vyc *= vo cluster.vzc *= vo cluster.xgc *= ro cluster.ygc *= ro cluster.zgc *= ro cluster.vxgc *= vo cluster.vygc *= vo cluster.vzgc *= vo cluster.units = "kpckms" elif cluster.units == "nbody": cluster.tphys *= cluster.tbar / 1000.0 cluster.m *= cluster.zmbar cluster.x *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.y *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.z *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.vx *= cluster.vbar cluster.vy *= cluster.vbar cluster.vz *= cluster.vbar cluster.xc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.yc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.zc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.vxc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vyc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vzc *= cluster.vbar cluster.xgc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.ygc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.zgc *= cluster.rbar / 1000.0 cluster.vxgc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vygc *= cluster.vbar cluster.vzgc *= cluster.vbar cluster.units = "kpckms" elif cluster.units == "pckms": cluster.tphys /= 1000.0 cluster.x /= 1000.0 cluster.y /= 1000.0 cluster.z /= 1000.0 cluster.xgc /= 1000.0 cluster.ygc /= 1000.0 cluster.zgc /= 1000.0 cluster.xc /= 1000.0 cluster.yc /= 1000.0 cluster.zc /= 1000.0 cluster.units = "kpckms" elif cluster.units == 'kpcgyr': cluster.vx/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vy/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vz/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxgc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vygc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzgc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vyc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzc/=1.022712165045695 cluster.units = "kpckms" elif cluster.units == 'WDunits': vcon = vo / conversion.velocity_in_kpcGyr(vo=vo, ro=ro) mcon = 222288.4543021174 cluster.m*=mcon cluster.vx*=vcon cluster.vy*=vcon cluster.vz*=vcon cluster.vxc*=vcon cluster.vyc*=vcon cluster.vzc*=vcon cluster.vxgc*=vcon cluster.vygc*=vcon cluster.vzgc*=vcon cluster.units = "kpckms" if analyze: cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_pcmyr(cluster,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to pc and pc/Myr Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units!='pckms' and cluster.units!='pcmyr': cluster.to_pckms(analyze=False) if cluster.units!='pcmyr': cluster.vx*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vy*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vz*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxgc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vygc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzgc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vyc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.units='pcmyr' if analyze: cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_kpcgyr(cluster,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to kpc and kpc/Gyr Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units!='kpckms' and cluster.units!='kpcgyr': cluster.to_kpckms(analyze=False) if cluster.units!='kpcgyr': cluster.vx*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vy*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vz*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxgc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vygc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzgc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vxc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vyc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.vzc*=1.022712165045695 cluster.units='kpcgyr' if analyze: cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_nbody(cluster,analyze=True): """Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to Nbody units - requires that cluster.zmbar, cluster.rbar, cluster.vbar are set (defaults are 1) Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units != "pckms" and cluster.units != "nbody": cluster.to_pckms(analyze=False) if cluster.units != "nbody": cluster.tphys /= cluster.tbar cluster.m /= cluster.zmbar cluster.x /= cluster.rbar cluster.y /= cluster.rbar cluster.z /= cluster.rbar cluster.vx /= cluster.vbar cluster.vy /= cluster.vbar cluster.vz /= cluster.vbar cluster.xc /= cluster.rbar cluster.yc /= cluster.rbar cluster.zc /= cluster.rbar cluster.vxc /= cluster.vbar cluster.vyc /= cluster.vbar cluster.vzc /= cluster.vbar cluster.xgc /= cluster.rbar cluster.ygc /= cluster.rbar cluster.zgc /= cluster.rbar cluster.vxgc /= cluster.vbar cluster.vygc /= cluster.vbar cluster.vzgc /= cluster.vbar cluster.units = "nbody" if cluster.bunits == 'audays' and cluster.nb>0: cluster.semi/=cluster.rbar_au cluster.pb/=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1/=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2/=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='nbody' elif cluster.bunits == 'sudays' and cluster.nb>0: cluster.semi/=cluster.rbar_su cluster.pb/=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1/=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2/=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='nbody' cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_radec(cluster, sortstars=True,centre_method=None,analyze=True): """Convert to on-sky position, proper motion, and radial velocity of cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=cluster._ro,cluster._vo,cluster._zo,cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: origin0=cluster.origin if cluster.units != "radec": cluster.to_kpckms(analyze=False) cluster.to_galaxy() if cluster.orbit is None: cluster.initialize_orbit(ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) if cluster.orbits is None: cluster.initialize_orbits(ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) R, phi, z = coords.rect_to_cyl(cluster.xgc+cluster.xc, cluster.ygc+cluster.yc, cluster.zgc+cluster.zc) vR, vT, vz = coords.rect_to_cyl_vec(cluster.vxgc+cluster.vxc, cluster.vygc+cluster.vyc, cluster.vzgc+cluster.vzc,cluster.xgc+cluster.xc, cluster.ygc+cluster.yc, cluster.zgc+cluster.zc) oc = Orbit( [R/ro, vR/vo, vT/vo, z/ro, vz/vo, phi], ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion ) cluster.ra=cluster.orbits.ra() cluster.dec=cluster.orbits.dec() cluster.dist=cluster.orbits.dist() cluster.pmra=cluster.orbits.pmra() cluster.pmdec=cluster.orbits.pmdec() cluster.vlos=cluster.orbits.vlos() cluster.ra_gc=cluster.orbit.ra() cluster.dec_gc=cluster.orbit.dec() cluster.dist_gc=cluster.orbit.dist() cluster.pmra_gc=cluster.orbit.pmra() cluster.pmdec_gc=cluster.orbit.pmdec() cluster.vlos_gc=cluster.orbit.vlos() cluster.ra_c=oc.ra() cluster.dec_c=oc.dec() cluster.dist_c=oc.dist() cluster.pmra_c=oc.pmra() cluster.pmdec_c=oc.pmdec() cluster.vlos_c=oc.vlos() cluster.x = copy(cluster.ra) cluster.y = copy(cluster.dec) cluster.z = copy(cluster.dist) cluster.vx = copy(cluster.pmra) cluster.vy = copy(cluster.pmdec) cluster.vz = copy(cluster.vlos) cluster.xgc = copy(cluster.ra_gc) cluster.ygc = copy(cluster.dec_gc) cluster.zgc = copy(cluster.dist_gc) cluster.vxgc = copy(cluster.pmra_gc) cluster.vygc = copy(cluster.pmdec_gc) cluster.vzgc = copy(cluster.vlos_gc) cluster.xc = copy(cluster.ra_c) cluster.yc = copy(cluster.dec_c) cluster.zc = copy(cluster.dist_c) cluster.vxc = copy(cluster.pmra_c) cluster.vyc = copy(cluster.pmdec_c) cluster.vzc = copy(cluster.vlos_c) cluster.units = "radec" cluster.origin = "sky" if origin0=='cluster': cluster.to_cluster(centre_method=centre_method) elif origin0=='centre': cluster.to_centre(centre_method=centre_method) if analyze: cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
def from_radec(cluster, sortstars=True): """Calculate galactocentric coordinates from on-sky position, proper motion, and radial velocity of cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=cluster._ro,cluster._vo,cluster._zo,cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units=='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() if cluster.units == "radec" and cluster.origin == "sky": if cluster.orbit is None: cluster.initialize_orbit(ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) if cluster.orbits is None: cluster.initialize_orbits(ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion) if cluster.xcn is not None: cluster.xc,cluster.yc,cluster.zc=cluster.xcn,cluster.ycn,cluster.zcn cluster.xc*=cluster.rbar/1000. cluster.yc*=cluster.rbar/1000. cluster.zc*=cluster.rbar/1000. cluster.vxc=0. cluster.vyc=0. cluster.vzc=0. else: oc = Orbit( [cluster.ra_c,cluster.dec_c,cluster.dist_c,cluster.pmra_c,cluster.pmdec_c,cluster.vlos_c], radec=True,ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion ) cluster.xc=oc.x() cluster.yc=oc.y() cluster.zc=oc.z() cluster.vxc=oc.vx() cluster.vyc=oc.vy() cluster.vzc=oc.vz() cluster.x = cluster.orbits.x() cluster.y = cluster.orbits.y() cluster.z = cluster.orbits.z() cluster.vx = cluster.orbits.vx() cluster.vy = cluster.orbits.vy() cluster.vz = cluster.orbits.vz() cluster.xgc = cluster.orbit.x() cluster.ygc = cluster.orbit.y() cluster.zgc = cluster.orbit.z() cluster.vxgc = cluster.orbit.vx() cluster.vygc = cluster.orbit.vy() cluster.vzgc = cluster.orbit.vz() cluster.origin = "galaxy" cluster.units = "kpckms"
[docs]def to_galpy(cluster,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to galpy units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=cluster._ro,cluster._vo,cluster._zo,cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units != "kpckms" and cluster.units != "galpy": cluster.to_kpckms(analyze=False) if cluster.units == "kpckms": cluster.tphys /= conversion.time_in_Gyr(ro=ro, vo=vo) cluster.m = cluster.m / conversion.mass_in_msol(ro=ro, vo=vo) cluster.x /= ro cluster.y /= ro cluster.z /= ro cluster.vx /= vo cluster.vy /= vo cluster.vz /= vo cluster.xc /= ro cluster.yc /= ro cluster.zc /= ro cluster.vxc /= vo cluster.vyc /= vo cluster.vzc /= vo cluster.xgc /= ro cluster.ygc /= ro cluster.zgc /= ro cluster.vxgc /= vo cluster.vygc /= vo cluster.vzgc /= vo cluster.units = "galpy" cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_WDunits(cluster,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to Walter Dehnen Units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ ro,vo,zo,solarmotion=cluster._ro,cluster._vo,cluster._zo,cluster._solarmotion if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: vcon = vo / conversion.velocity_in_kpcGyr(vo=vo,ro=ro) mcon = 222288.4543021174 if cluster.units!='kpckms' and cluster.units!="WDunits": cluster.to_kpckms(analyze=False) if cluster.units!="WDunits": cluster.m/=mcon cluster.vx/=vcon cluster.vy/=vcon cluster.vz/=vcon cluster.vxc/=vcon cluster.vyc/=vcon cluster.vzc/=vcon cluster.vxgc/=vcon cluster.vygc/=vcon cluster.vzgc/=vcon cluster.units = "WDunits" cluster.analyze()
[docs]def to_amuse(cluster,analyze=True): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to AMUSE Vector and Scalar Quantities Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster analyze : bool run analysis function (default: True) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units != 'amuse': cluster.to_pckms(analyze=False) cluster.tphys = cluster.tphys | u.Myr cluster.x=cluster.x | u.parsec cluster.y=cluster.y | u.parsec cluster.z=cluster.z | u.parsec cluster.vx=cluster.vx | u.kms cluster.vy=cluster.vy | u.kms cluster.vz=cluster.vz | u.kms cluster.m=cluster.m | u.MSun cluster.xc=cluster.xc | u.parsec cluster.yc=cluster.yc | u.parsec cluster.zc=cluster.zc | u.parsec cluster.vxc=cluster.vxc | u.kms cluster.vyc=cluster.vyc | u.kms cluster.vzc=cluster.vzc | u.kms cluster.xgc=cluster.xgc | u.parsec cluster.ygc=cluster.ygc | u.parsec cluster.zgc=cluster.zgc | u.parsec cluster.vxgc=cluster.vxgc | u.kms cluster.vygc=cluster.vygc | u.kms cluster.vzgc=cluster.vzgc | u.kms cluster.units = "amuse" if analyze: cluster.analyze()
[docs]def from_amuse(cluster): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity fronm AMUSE Vector and Scalar Quantities to pckms Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- None History: ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units == 'amuse': cluster.tphys = cluster.tphys.value_in(u.Myr) cluster.x=cluster.x.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.y=cluster.y.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.z=cluster.z.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.vx=cluster.vx.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vy=cluster.vy.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vz=cluster.vz.value_in(u.kms) cluster.m=cluster.m.value_in(u.MSun) cluster.xc=cluster.xc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.yc=cluster.yc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.zc=cluster.zc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.vxc=cluster.vxc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vyc=cluster.vyc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vzc=cluster.vzc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.xgc=cluster.xgc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.ygc=cluster.ygc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.zgc=cluster.zgc.value_in(u.parsec) cluster.vxgc=cluster.vxgc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vygc=cluster.vygc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.vzgc=cluster.vzgc.value_in(u.kms) cluster.units = "pckms"
[docs]def to_units(cluster, units): """ Convert stellar positions/velocities, centre of mass, and orbital position and velocity to user defined units Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster units : str units to be converted to (nbody,galpy,pckms,kpckms,radec) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units is None: print('NO UNITS SPECIFIED') else: if units == "nbody": cluster.to_nbody() elif units == "galpy": cluster.to_galpy() elif units == "pckms": cluster.to_pckms() elif units == "kpckms": cluster.to_kpckms() elif units == "radec": cluster.to_radec(sortstars=False,) elif units == "WDunits": cluster.to_WDunits() elif units == "pcmyr": cluster.to_pcmyr() elif units == "kpcgyr": cluster.to_kpcgyr() elif units == 'amuse': cluster.to_amuse()
[docs]def to_sudays(cluster): """ Convert binary star semi-major axis and periods to solar radii and days Note: Masses will be converted to solar masses Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- None History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.bunits is not None: if cluster.bunits == 'audays': cluster.semi/=cluster.rbar_au cluster.pb/=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1/=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2/=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='nbody' if cluster.bunits == 'nbody': cluster.semi*=cluster.rbar_su cluster.pb*=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1*=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2*=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='sudays' else: print("NO UNITS SPECIFIED")
[docs]def to_audays(cluster): """ Convert binary star semi-major axis and periods to solar radii and days Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- None History ------- 2022 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.bunits is not None: if cluster.bunits == 'sudays': cluster.semi/=cluster.rbar_su cluster.pb/=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1/=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2/=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='nbody' if cluster.bunits == 'nbody': cluster.semi*=cluster.rbar_au cluster.pb*=cluster.tbar_days cluster.m1*=cluster.zmbar cluster.m2*=cluster.zmbar cluster.bunits='audays' else: print("NO UNITS SPECIFIED")
[docs]def to_centre(cluster, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates such that origin is the centre of mass Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if centre_method is not None: cluster.centre_method = centre_method if cluster.origin != 'centre': if cluster.units=='radec': if cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() if cluster.centre_method == "orthographic": _get_orthographic_centre(cluster,from_centre=True) else: if cluster.centre_method == "VandeVen": _get_vandeven_centre(cluster,from_centre=True) else: cluster.x = (cluster.x - cluster.xc) * np.cos(np.radians(cluster.yc)) cluster.y = cluster.y - cluster.yc cluster.z -= cluster.zc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxc cluster.vy -= cluster.vyc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzc else: if cluster.origin != "cluster": cluster.to_cluster(centre_method=centre_method) cluster.x -= cluster.xc cluster.y -= cluster.yc cluster.z -= cluster.zc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxc cluster.vy -= cluster.vyc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzc cluster.origin = "centre" cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
def to_center(cluster, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates such that origin is the centre of mass - this is the same to to_centre, but allows for alternate spelling Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ to_centre(cluster, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method)
[docs]def to_cluster(cluster, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift coordinates to clustercentric reference frame - When units='radec' and origin='sky', the cluster will be shifted to clustercentric coordinates using either: --centre_method=None: angular distance between each star's RA/DEC and the RA/DEC of the cluster's centre with proper motions directly subtracted off --centre_method='orthographic' , positions and velocities changed to orthnormal coordinates (Helmi et al. 2018) -- centre_method='VandeVen' , positions and velocities changed to clustercentric coordinates using method outlined by Van de Ven et al. 2005 - Note the the line of site positions and velocities will just have the galactocentric coordinates of the cluster subtracted off. Be sure to set projected=True when making any calculations to use only x and y coordinates Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates. (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if centre_method is not None: cluster.centre_method = centre_method if cluster.origin != "cluster": if cluster.units == "radec": if cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() if cluster.centre_method == "orthographic": _get_orthographic_centre(cluster) else: if cluster.centre_method == "VandeVen": _get_vandeven_centre(cluster) else: cluster.x = (cluster.x - cluster.xgc) * np.cos(np.radians(cluster.ygc)) cluster.y = cluster.y - cluster.ygc cluster.z -= cluster.zgc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxgc cluster.vy -= cluster.vygc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzgc elif cluster.origin == "centre": cluster.x += cluster.xc cluster.y += cluster.yc cluster.z += cluster.zc cluster.vx += cluster.vxc cluster.vy += cluster.vyc cluster.vz += cluster.vzc elif cluster.origin == "galaxy": cluster.x -= cluster.xgc cluster.y -= cluster.ygc cluster.z -= cluster.zgc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxgc cluster.vy -= cluster.vygc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzgc cluster.origin = "cluster" cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
def _get_orthographic_centre(cluster,from_centre=False): if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units!='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_radec() elif cluster.units=='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() ra = copy(np.radians(cluster.x)) dec = copy(np.radians(cluster.y)) pmra = copy(cluster.vx) # / (1000.0 * 3600.0))) pmdec = copy(cluster.vy) # / (1000.0 * 3600.0))) if from_centre: ra_gc = copy(np.radians(cluster.xc)) dec_gc = copy(np.radians(cluster.yc)) else: ra_gc = copy(np.radians(cluster.xgc)) dec_gc = copy(np.radians(cluster.ygc)) cluster.x = np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra - ra_gc) cluster.y = np.sin(dec) * np.cos(dec_gc) - np.cos(dec) * np.sin( dec_gc ) * np.cos(ra - ra_gc) cluster.x*=(180.0/np.pi) cluster.y*=(180.0/np.pi) cluster.vx = pmra * np.cos(ra - ra_gc) - pmdec * np.sin(dec) * np.sin( ra - ra_gc ) cluster.vy = pmra * np.sin(dec_gc) * np.sin( ra - ra_gc ) + cluster.pmdec * ( np.cos(dec) * np.cos(dec_gc) + np.sin(dec) * np.sin(dec_gc) * np.cos(ra - ra_gc) ) cluster.vx-=cluster.vxgc cluster.vy-=cluster.vygc if from_centre: cluster.z -= cluster.zc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzc else: cluster.z -= cluster.zgc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzgc def _get_vandeven_centre(cluster,from_centre=False): if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units!='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_radec() elif cluster.units=='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() ra = np.radians(cluster.x) dec = np.radians(cluster.y) if from_centre: ra_gc = np.radians(cluster.xc) dec_gc = np.radians(cluster.yc) else: ra_gc = np.radians(cluster.xgc) dec_gc = np.radians(cluster.ygc) cluster.x = ( (180.0 / np.pi) * np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra - ra_gc) ) cluster.y = ( (180.0 / np.pi) * ( np.sin(dec) * np.cos(dec_gc) - np.cos(dec) * np.sin(dec_gc) * np.cos(ra - ra_gc) ) ) if from_centre: cluster.z -= cluster.zc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxc cluster.vy -= cluster.vyc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzc else: cluster.z -= cluster.zgc cluster.vx -= cluster.vxgc cluster.vy -= cluster.vygc cluster.vz -= cluster.vzgc
[docs]def to_galaxy(cluster, sortstars=True): """Shift coordinates to galactocentric reference frame Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units == "radec": if cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.to_sky() from_radec(cluster) elif cluster.origin != "galaxy": if cluster.origin == "centre": cluster.to_cluster(sortstars=False) cluster.x += cluster.xgc cluster.y += cluster.ygc cluster.z += cluster.zgc cluster.vx += cluster.vxgc cluster.vy += cluster.vygc cluster.vz += cluster.vzgc cluster.origin = "galaxy" cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
[docs]def to_sky(cluster, sortstars=True,centre_method=None): """Calculate on-sky position, proper motion, and radial velocity of cluster - Also changes units to radec Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates. (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if cluster.units=='radec' and cluster.origin!='sky': cluster.x=copy(cluster.ra) cluster.y=copy(cluster.dec) cluster.z=copy(cluster.dist) cluster.vx=copy(cluster.pmra) cluster.vy=copy(cluster.pmdec) cluster.vz=copy(cluster.vlos) cluster.origin='sky' elif cluster.units!='radec': cluster.to_galaxy() cluster.to_radec(sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method) cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
[docs]def to_origin(cluster, origin, sortstars=True, centre_method=None): """Shift cluster to origin as defined by keyword Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster origin : str origin of coordinate system to be shifted to (centre, cluster, galaxy, sky) sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.origin is None: print('NO ORIGIN SPECIFIED') else: if origin == "centre" or origin=="center": cluster.to_centre(sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method) elif origin == "cluster": cluster.to_cluster(sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method) elif origin == "galaxy": cluster.to_galaxy(sortstars=sortstars) elif origin == "sky": cluster.to_sky(sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method) elif origin == "radec": cluster.to_radec(sortstars=sortstars,centre_method=centre_method) cluster.analyze(sortstars=sortstars)
[docs]def save_cluster(cluster): """Save cluster's units and origin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- cluster.units, cluster.origin : str units and origin of StarCluster History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ return cluster.units, cluster.origin, cluster.rorder, cluster.rorder_origin
[docs]def return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 ,sortstars=False, centre_method=None): """ return cluster to a specific combination of units and origin Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster units0 : str units that StarCluster will be changed to origin0 : str origin that StarCluster will be changed to sortstars : bool sort star by radius after coordinate change (default: False) centre_method : str method for shifting coordinates to clustercentric coordinates (see to_cluster). (default: None) Returns ------- None History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ if cluster.units != units0: cluster.to_units(units0) if cluster.origin != origin0: cluster.to_origin(origin0, sortstars=sortstars, centre_method=centre_method) cluster.rorder=rorder0 cluster.rorder_origin=rorder_origin0 cluster.analyze()
[docs]def reset_nbody_scale(cluster, mass=True, radii=True, rvirial=True, projected=False,**kwargs): """ Assign new conversions for real mass, size, and velocity to Nbody units - kwargs are passed to the virial_radius function. See the virial_radius documenation in Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster instance mass : bool find new mass conversion (default: True) radii : bool find new radius conversion (default: True) rvirial : bool (default: True) use virial radius to set conversion rate for radii as opposed to the approximation that rbar=4/3 rm projected : bool use projected values to calculate radius conversion (default: False) Returns ------- zmbar : float mass conversion rbar : float radius conversion vbar : float velocity conversion tbar : float time conversion History: 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = save_cluster(cluster) if origin0 != 'cluster' and origin0 != 'centre': cluster.to_centre(sortstars=True) cluster.to_pckms() if mass: zmbar = np.sum(cluster.m) else: zmbar = cluster.zmbar if radii: if rvirial: method=kwargs.get("method", 'inverse_distance') full=kwargs.get("full", True) H = kwargs.get("H", 70.0) Om = kwargs.get("Om", 0.3) overdens = kwargs.get("overdens", 200.0) nrad = kwargs.get("nrad", 20.0) plot = kwargs.get("plot", False) cluster.virial_radius(method=method,full=full, H=H,Om=Om,overdens=overdens,nrad=nrad,projected=projected, plot=plot,**kwargs) rbar=cluster.rv else: rbar = 4.0 * cluster.rm / 3.0 else: rbar = cluster.rbar vbar = 0.06557 * np.sqrt(zmbar / rbar) tbar=rbar/(1.023*vbar) return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return zmbar,rbar,vbar,tbar
[docs]def virialize(cluster, qvir=0.5, specific=True, full=full_default, projected=False, softening=0.0): """ Adjust stellar velocities so cluster is in virial equilibrium Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster qvir : float value you wish to virial parameter to be (default: 0.5) specific : bool find specific energies (default: True) full: bool do full array of stars at once with numba (default: full_default) projected : bool use projected values when calculating energies (default: False) softening : float Plummer softening length in cluster.units (default: 0.0) Returns ------- qv : float scaling factor used to adjust velocities History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = save_cluster(cluster) if origin0 != 'cluster' and origin0 != 'centre': cluster.to_centre() try: qv = np.sqrt(np.abs(qvir / cluster.qvir)) except: print("NEED TO CALCULATE ENERGIES FIRST") cluster.energies(specific=specific, full=full, projected=projected,softening=softening) qv = np.sqrt(np.abs(qvir / cluster.qvir)) return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return qv
[docs]def add_rotation(cluster, qrot): """Add a degree of rotation to an already generated StarCluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster qrot : float fraction of stars with v_phi < 0 that are switched to vphi > 0 Returns ------- x,y,z,vx,vy,vz : float stellar positions and velocities (now with rotation) History ------- 2019 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = save_cluster(cluster) if origin0 != 'cluster' and origin0 != 'centre': cluster.to_centre() r, theta, z = coords.rect_to_cyl(cluster.x, cluster.y, cluster.z) vr, vtheta, vz = coords.rect_to_cyl_vec( cluster.vx, cluster.vy, cluster.vz, cluster.x, cluster.y, cluster.z ) indx = vtheta < 0.0 rindx = np.random.rand(cluster.ntot) < qrot vtheta[indx * rindx] = np.sqrt(vtheta[indx * rindx] * vtheta[indx * rindx]) x,y,z = coords.cyl_to_rect(r, theta, z) vx,vy,vz = coords.cyl_to_rect_vec( vr, vtheta, vz, theta ) return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return x,y,z,vx,vy,vz