Source code for clustertools.tidaltail.tails

""" Functions and Operations for analysing a cluster's tidal tails

__author__ = "Jeremy J Webb"
__all__ = [

    from galpy.util import conversion
    import galpy.util.bovy_conversion as conversion

from galpy.util import _rotate_to_arbitrary_vector
from galpy import potential

import numpy as np

from ..analysis.orbits import orbital_path, orbital_path_match
from ..cluster.operations import *
from import binmaker,nbinmaker,roaming_binmaker,roaming_nbinmaker
from ..util.coordinates import cart_to_sky
from ..util.constants import *

from ..util.plots import starplot,skyplot,_plot,_lplot,_scatter
from ..util.units import _convert_length,_convert_time,_convert_velocity

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def to_tail(cluster): """Calculate positions and velocities of stars when rotated such that clusters velocity vector points along x-axis - no change to coordinates in StarCluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster Returns ------- x_tail,y_tail,z_tail,vx_tail,vy_tail,vz_tail : float rotated coordinates with cluster's velocity vector point along x-axis History: ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = save_cluster(cluster) if origin0 != 'cluster' and origin0 != 'centre': cluster.to_centre(sortstars=False) v_vec = np.array([cluster.vxgc, cluster.vygc, cluster.vzgc]) new_v_vec = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) rot = _rotate_to_arbitrary_vector( np.atleast_2d(v_vec), new_v_vec, inv=False, _dontcutsmall=False ) x_tail = ( cluster.x * rot[:, 0, 0] + cluster.y * rot[:, 1, 0] + cluster.z * rot[:, 2, 0] ) y_tail = ( cluster.x * rot[:, 0, 1] + cluster.y * rot[:, 1, 1] + cluster.z * rot[:, 2, 1] ) z_tail = ( cluster.x * rot[:, 0, 2] + cluster.y * rot[:, 1, 2] + cluster.z * rot[:, 2, 2] ) vx_tail = ( cluster.vx * rot[:, 0, 0] + cluster.vy * rot[:, 1, 0] + cluster.vz * rot[:, 2, 0] ) vy_tail = ( cluster.vx * rot[:, 0, 1] + cluster.vy * rot[:, 1, 1] + cluster.vz * rot[:, 2, 1] ) vz_tail = ( cluster.vx * rot[:, 0, 2] + cluster.vy * rot[:, 1, 2] + cluster.vz * rot[:, 2, 2] ) return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) return x_tail,y_tail,z_tail,vx_tail,vy_tail,vz_tail
[docs]def tail_path( cluster, tfinal=0.1, no=1000, nt=100, ntail=100, pot=None, dmax=None, bintype = 'fix', from_centre=False, skypath=False, to_path=False, do_full=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, plot=False,projected=False, **kwargs, ): """Calculate tail path +/- tfinal Gyr around the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) no : int number of timesteps for orbit integration (default:1000) nt : int number of points along the tail to set the tail spacing (default: 100) ntail : int number of points along the tail with roaming average (default: 1000) pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) dmax : float maximum distance (assumed to be same units as cluster) from orbital path to be included in generating tail path (default: None) bintype : str type of binning for tail stars (default : 'fix') from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- t : float times for which path is provided x,y,z : float tail path positions vx,vy,vz : float tail path velocities History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) 2019 - Implemented numpy array preallocation to minimize runtime - Nathaniel Starkman (UofT) """ #Legacy inclusion tfinal=kwargs.get('dt',tfinal) units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0 = save_cluster(cluster) cluster.to_galaxy(sortstars=False) cluster.to_kpckms() #dmax is assumed to have same units as cluster initially has if dmax is not None: dmax=_convert_length(dmax,units0,cluster) top, xop, yop, zop, vxop, vyop, vzop = orbital_path( cluster, tfinal=tfinal, nt=no, pot=pot, from_centre=from_centre, skypath=skypath, initialize=False, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion, ) path=(top, xop, yop, zop, vxop, vyop, vzop) if bintype=='fix': if ntail > nt: t_lower, t_mid, t_upper, t_hist = roaming_binmaker(top, nbin=nt,ntot=ntail) else: t_lower, t_mid, t_upper, t_hist = binmaker(top, nbin=nt) elif bintype=='num': if ntail>nt: t_lower, t_mid, t_upper, t_hist = roaming_nbinmaker(top, nbin=nt,ntot=ntail) else: t_lower, t_mid, t_upper, t_hist = nbinmaker(top, nbin=nt) tstar, dprog, dpath = orbital_path_match( cluster=cluster, tfinal=tfinal, nt=no, pot=pot, path=path, from_centre=from_centre, skypath=skypath, to_path=to_path,do_full=do_full, ro=ro, vo=vo, zo=zo, solarmotion=solarmotion,projected=projected ) if dmax is None: dindx=np.ones(len(tstar),dtype=bool) else: dindx = (np.fabs(dpath) <= dmax) ttail = np.array([]) xtail = np.array([]) ytail = np.array([]) ztail = np.array([]) vxtail = np.array([]) vytail = np.array([]) vztail = np.array([]) for i in range(0, len(t_mid)): indx = (tstar >= t_lower[i]) * (tstar <= t_upper[i]) * dindx if np.sum(indx) > 0: ttail = np.append(ttail, t_mid[i]) xtail = np.append(xtail, np.mean(cluster.x[indx])) ytail = np.append(ytail, np.mean(cluster.y[indx])) ztail = np.append(ztail, np.mean(cluster.z[indx])) vxtail = np.append(vxtail, np.mean(cluster.vx[indx])) vytail = np.append(vytail, np.mean(cluster.vy[indx])) vztail = np.append(vztail, np.mean(cluster.vz[indx])) if skypath: ratail,dectail,disttail,pmratail,pmdectail,vlostail=cart_to_sky(xtail, ytail, ztail, vxtail, vytail, vztail) if plot: filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None) overplot = kwargs.pop("overplot", False) if skypath: skyplot(cluster,coords='radec',overplot=overplot) _lplot(ratail,dectail,overplot=True) else: starplot(cluster,coords='xy',overplot=overplot) _lplot(xtail,ytail,overplot=True) if filename != None: plt.savefig(filename) return_cluster(cluster, units0, origin0, rorder0, rorder_origin0) ttail=_convert_time(ttail,'kpckms',cluster) xtail=_convert_length(xtail,'kpckms',cluster) ytail=_convert_length(ytail,'kpckms',cluster) ztail=_convert_length(ztail,'kpckms',cluster) vxtail=_convert_velocity(vxtail,'kpckms',cluster) vytail=_convert_velocity(vytail,'kpckms',cluster) vztail=_convert_velocity(vztail,'kpckms',cluster) if skypath: return ttail,ratail,dectail,disttail,pmratail,pmdectail,vlostail else: return ttail, xtail, ytail, ztail, vxtail, vytail, vztail
[docs]def tail_path_match( cluster, tfinal=0.1, no=1000, nt=100, ntail=100, pot=None, path=None, from_centre=False, skypath=False, to_path=False, do_full=False, ro=None, vo=None, zo=None, solarmotion=None, plot=False, projected=False, **kwargs, ): """Match stars to a position along the tail path of the cluster Parameters ---------- cluster : class StarCluster tfinal : float final time (in cluster.units) to integrate orbit to (default: 0.1 Gyr) no : int number of timesteps for orbit integration (default:1000) nt : int number of points along the tail to set the tail spacing (default: 100) ntail : int number of points along the tail with roaming average (default: 1000) pot : class galpy Potential that orbit is to be integrate in (default: None) path : array array of (t,x,y,x,vx,vy,vz) corresponding to the tail path. If none path is calculated (default: None) from_centre : bool genrate orbit from cluster's exact centre instead of its assigned galactocentric coordinates (default: False) skypath : bool return sky coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates (default: False) if True, projected is set to True to_path : bool measure distance to the path itself instead of distance to central point along the path (default: False) do_full : bool calculate dpath all at once in a single numpy array (can be memory intensive) (default:False) ro : float distance to the Galactic centre (Default: None) vo : float circular velocity at ro (Default: None) zo : float Sun's distance above the Galactic plane (default: None) solarmotion : float array representing U,V,W of Sun (default: None) plot : bool plot a snapshot of the cluster in galactocentric coordinates with the orbital path (defualt: False) projected : bool match to projected orbital path, which means matching just x and y coordinates or Ra and Dec coordinates (not z, or dist) (default:False) Returns ------- tstar : float orbital time associated with star dprog : float distance along the path to the progenitor dpath : distance to centre of the tail path bin (default) or the tail path (to_path = True) History ------- 2018 - Written - Webb (UofT) """ #Legacy inclusion tfinal=kwargs.get('dt',tfinal) if path is None: path = tail_path( cluster, tfinal=tfinal, no=no, nt=nt, ntail=ntail, pot=pot, from_centre=from_centre, skypath=skypath, ro=ro, vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion, ) return orbital_path_match(cluster=cluster,tfinal=tfinal,nt=no,pot=pot,path=path,from_centre=from_centre, skypath=skypath,to_path=to_path,do_full=do_full,ro=ro,vo=vo,zo=zo,solarmotion=solarmotion,plot=plot,projected=projected,**kwargs)