
The StarCluster Class

The StarCluster class is the foundation on which clustertools has been built. All functions have been designed to either act on or use elements of StarCluster`. Its purpose is to be a python representation of a star cluster, based on a snapshot provided by a simulation or other software pacakge. At minimum, a StarCluster contains the positions and velocities of all stars in a star cluster. However, StarCluster has been designed to store all information related to the cluster’s orbit, Single Star Evolution, Binary Star Evolution, and metadata related to the software used to generate the data and/or the data file it was read from. Once initiated, clustertools is able to perform a large number of operations, measurements, and calculations on the StarCluster class.

To initialize a StarCluster, one can simply start with:

>>> import clustertools as ctools
>>> cluster=ctools.StarCluster()

StarCluster accepts additional optional arguments, each of which have defaults. They are the current time (tphys=0), the units (units=None) and origin (origin=None) of the coordinate system and the name of the code used to genereate the dataset ctype. The units and origin variables only need to be specified if unit or coordinate trannsformations are going to be done (see Units and Coordinate Systems for more information). The code type ctype defaults to 'snapshot', but can alternatively be set to 'astropy_table', 'amuse', 'galpy', 'gyrfalcon', 'limepy', 'nbody6', 'nbody6pp'. ctype informs the StarCluster of the input files format. See Loading and Advancing for more informatoin on how ctype is used. Other keywords accepted when initializing a StarCluster can be found in the complete documentation (see StarCluster).

Once a StarCluster is initialized, there are a large number of arrays and variables that correspond to individual stars, global properties of the cluster, and information related to the software used to generate the data. However, several functions have then been written to more easily populate StarCluster with information and carry out helpful calculations. They are:

  • add_stars

  • add_orbit

  • add_nbody6

  • add_sse

  • add_bse

  • add_energies

  • add_action

  • add_actions

  • analyze

  • sortstars

  • subset



StarCluster([tphys, units, origin, ctype, ...])

A class that represents a star cluster population that ooperations and functions can be performed on

The add_stars function is the intended way to actually add stars to cluster. Assuming stellar positions (x,y,z) and velocities (vx,vy,vz) have already been read in via a snapshot, one can call:

>>> cluster.add_stars(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)

Using add_stars as opposed to setting variables like cluster.x mantually ensures that cluster.analyze is automatically called and the three dimensional radius (cluster.r) and velocity (cluster.v) of each star is calculated. General cluster properties like total mass (cluster.mtot), mean radius (cluster.rmean) and maximum radius (cluster.rmax) are calculated. Projected values are also calculated assuming the x-y plane is the plane of the sky, and can be called by adding pro the variable name as in cluster.rmeanpro.

It is also possible to include stellar masses m and ids id if they are known via:

>>> cluster.add_stars(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,m,id)

Otherwise, masses will be set to 1 and ids will simply be set to integer values between 1 and the number of stars in the cluster. add_stars can also accept the initial masses of each stars m0 and the star’s population number npop if one is studying multiple population within the cluster.

If your dataset contains binary stars, you can specificy the number of binary stars using nb via:

>>> cluster.add_stars(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,nb=10)

Note that clustertools assumes that the arrays are structured such that the individual binary stars make up the first 2 x nb stars in the arrays. The position and centre of each binary’s centre of mass is then determined and put in the main cluster arrays. The individual binary star positions and velocities are stored separately (e.g the x-position and velocity of the primary stars are saved as cluster.xb1 and cluster.vxb1). Alternatively you could add the binary stars manually if you have their individual position and velocities.

>>> cluster.add_binary_stars(xb1,yb1,zb1,vxb1,vyb1,vzb1,xb2,yb2,zb2,vxb2,vyb2,vzb2)

add_binary_stars has the same features as add_stars in that masses (mb1, mb1), ids (id1, id2), initial masses (m01, m02), and population numbers (npop1, npop2) can be provided.

Finally, using add_stars and/or add_binary_stars results in cluster.ntot and cluster.nb being calculated. Otherwise they would have to be set manually.

One other features in add_stars that is by default set to True is sortstars . Having sortstars=True means stars are being sorted based on their distance from the origin (information stored in cluster.rorder) and the half-mass radius rm and 10% Lagrange radius r10 will be calculated as well. Alternatively, one can call:

>>> cluster.analyze(sortstars=True)

at a later point in time if the cluster was populated manually. For computational efficiency, sortstars can be set to False when sorting is not required. The full list of parameters calculated by analyze is:

  • r - clustercentric or galactocentric radius

  • rpro - projeced clustercentric or galactocentric radius

  • v - total velocity

  • vpro - projected total velocity

  • mtot - total mass

  • mmean - mean mass

  • rmean - mean radius

  • rmeanpro - mean projected radius

  • rmax - maximum radius

  • rmaxpro - maximum projected radius

  • rorder - indices of stars sorted by radius

  • rproorder - indices of stars sorted by projected radius

  • rm - half-mass radius

  • rmpro - projected half-mass radius

  • r10 - 10% lagrange radius

  • r10pro - projected 10% lagrange radius

If luminosities have been provided:

  • rh - half-light radius

  • rhpro - projected half-light radius

  • rh10 - radius containing inner 10% of the cluster’s light

  • rh10pro - projected radius containing inner 10% of the cluster’s light

If the cluster’s galactocentric positiion (xgc,ygc,zgc) and velocity (vxgc,vygc,vzgc) are known, then orbital information can be added via:

>>> cluster.add_orbit(xgc,ygc,zgc,vxgc,vygc,vzgc)

It is beneficial to use add_orbit as opposed to setting variables like cluster.xgc manually because additional arguments that can be passed. These arguments, and their default values, include ounits=None, initialize=False, ro=solar_ro, and vo=solar_vo. ounits informs StarCluster of the units of the galactocentric coordinates that are being provided. If they differ from cluster.units, the unit conversion will be handled internally. intialize is an example of how strongly clustertools relies on galpy, for if intialize=True a galpy orbit is initialized using the galactocentric coordinates provided, ro (distance from vantage point to the cluster (kpc)), vo (the circular velocity at ro (km/s)) and the Sun’s motion (solarmotion). The galpy orbit can be accessed via cluster.orbit.

add_nbody6, add_sse, and add_bse are tailored to the standard output from NBODY6. They are simple functions of convenience for adding information that NBODY6 provides regarding the simulations itself, single star evolution, and binary star evolution. They would be called via:

>>> cluster.add_nbody6(nc, rc, rbar, rtide, xc, yc, zc, zmbar, vstar, rscale, nsbnd, nbbnd)
>>> cluster.add_sse(kw, logl, logr, ep, ospin)
>>> cluster.add_bse(id1,id2,kw1,kw2,kcm,ecc,pb,semi,m1,m2,logl1,logl2,logr1,

For those not familiar with NBODY6, please consult the documention for add_nbody6, add_sse, and add_bse for the defintion of each variable. It is important to note that each of the above variables are intialized upon the initialization of StarCluster, hence they can be set manually as well if you are using a code other than NBODY6 and would like to define some of these parameters. Note, no units or origin are associated with any of the values provided via add_nbody6, add_sse, and add_bse such that they are not adjusted when unit and coordinate transformations are performed.

One variable that is worth expanding on is the kw parameter. Motivated by NBODY6, each star’s stellar evolution type is described by kw. The below table illustrates what each kw integer represents. If you need to quickly lookup this table, it can be printed to screen using the function kwtypes() (See Utilities).

Table 1 - Relationship between kw and stellar evolution type, as per NBODY6


Stellar Evolution Types


Low main sequence (M < 0.7).


Main sequence.


Hertzsprung gap (HG).


Red giant.


Core Helium burning.


First AGB.


Second AGB.


Helium main sequence.


Helium HG.


Helium GB.


Helium white dwarf.


Carbon-Oxygen white dwarf.


Oxygen-Neon white dwarf.


Neutron star.


Black hole.


Massless supernova remnant.

It is important to note that if stellar luminosities (logl) have been provided, calling cluster.analyze will also calculate the half-light radius of the cluster cluster.rh and the radius containing 10% of the light cluster.rh10. The projected half-light radius cluster.rhpro and the projected radius containing 10% of the light cluster.rh10pro are calculated as well.

add_energies is slightly more than a convenience function, because if the kinetic energy (kin) and potential energy (pot) of each star added to StarCluster via:

>>> cluster.add_energies(kin, pot)

then the total energy of each star (cluster.etot), total kinetic energy (cluster.ektot) and total potential energy (cluster.ptot) are calculated. Additionally, the virial parameter Qvir is calcualted and can be accessed via cluster.qvir.

Orbit actions must be added via add_actions because the associated variables are not created when a StarCluster is initialized. Hence once the actions JR, Jphi, and Jz have been calculated they can be added to the cluster via:

>>> cluster.add_actions(JR, Jphi, Jz)

Note that it is also possible to add orbital frequencies and periods by using:

>>> cluster.add_actions(JR, Jphi, Jz, OR, Ophi, Oz, TR, Tphi, Tz)

Finally, it is also possible within clustertools to define a subset of stars within the StarCluster via the subset function:

>>>cluster.subset(rmin=0.,rmax=1.,mmin=0.1,mmax=1.0,vmin=-5.,vmax=5.,emin=-100,rmax=0,kwmin=0,kwmax=1.,projected=False )

where projected=True would use the projected radii and velocities to define the subset. Once called, cluster.indx will be a boolean array that is true only for stars that meet the criteria. Other parameters that can be passed to subset include npop (population number being studied) and indx (a custom boolean array).

Instead of using subset, its also possible to extract a subset of stars from a StarCluster to form a new StarCluster using the sub_cluster function. For example, to extrct only stars within the cluster’s half-mass radius one can call:

>>> new_cluster=ctools.sub_cluster(cluster,rmin=0,rmax=cluster.rm)

In this example, new_cluster will contain all the same information as cluster but only for stars within cluster.rm. Please consult the sub_cluster documentation for the complete list of criteria that can be given to sub_cluster.

Finally, it is also possible to determine where two different ``StarCluster``s overlap. This function is usefull when trying to compare two different systems. The comparison can be done via:

>>> overlap_cluster(cluster1,cluster2,tol=0.1,projected=False,return_cluster=True)

Here, tol represents the distance tolerance. If a star in cluster1 is within tol of a star in cluster2 then these regions of the cluster are deemed to overlap. If return_cluster=True then a sub_cluster of cluster1 that overlaps with cluster2 is returned. Otherwise a boolean array that is True for overlapping stars is returned.


sub_cluster(cluster[, rmin, rmax, mmin, ...])

Extract a sub population of stars from a StarCluster

overlap_cluster(cluster1, cluster2[, tol, ...])

Extract a sub population of stars from cluster1 that spatially overlaps with cluster2


When a StarCluster is initialized, the default value of StarCluster.units is None. However it is possible for users to specify the units system used by stars in the StarCluster. For most functions, it is necessary to set units in order for calculations to be carried out. At present, clustertools supports 8 different string inputs for StarCluster.units. The inputs and their meanings are summarized in Table 1 below.

Table 1 - Units available in clustertools



Distance Units

Velocity Units

Mass Units

Time Units


nbody or Henon units, where G=M=rv=1






units for when working in clustercentric coordinates






units for when working in clustercentric coordinates






units for working in galactocentric coordinates






units for working in galactocentric coordinates






units for comparison to observations

degrees (Ra, Dec), and kpc (distance)

mas (proper motions) and kms (radial velocity)




galpy or natural units, set so the Sun orbits at a distance of 1 with a velocity of 1 (assumes ro,vo=8.275,239.2)






Walter Dehnen units used by NEMO





In order to convert between certain units, it is necessary to know the distance to the Galactic Centre (ro), the rotation velocity at ro (vo), the Sun’s height above the Galactic disk (zo), and the Sun’s motion with respect to the local standard of rest (solarmotion). When a StarCluster is initialzied, the default value for ro is 8.275 kpc (Gravity Collaboration, Abuter, R., Amorim, A., et al. 2020 ,A&A, 647, A59), the [U,V,W] motion of the Sun is set to [-11.1,12.24,7.25] (Schönrich, R., Binney, J., Dehnen, W., 2010, MNRAS, 403, 1829) and the velocity of the local standard of rest is 239.23 km/s. The choice of vo is such that vo + V is consistent with current estimates of the proper motion of Sagitarius A* (Reid, M.J. & Brunthaler, A., ApJ, 892, 1). The height of the Sun above the disk is 0.0208 kpc (Bennett, M. & Bovy, J. 2019, MNRAS, 483, 1417). However each of these values can be changed when intializing a StarCluster.

See Operations for information on operations that convert a StarCluster from one set of units to another.

Coordinate Systems

Similar to StarCluster.units, when a StarCluster is initialized the default value of StarCluster.origin is None. However it is possible for users to specify the origin of the coordinate system used by stars in the StarCluster. At present, clustertools supports 4 different string inputs for StarCluster.origin. The inputs and their meanings are summarized in Table 2 below.

Table 2 - Coordinate systems available in clustertools




clustercentric reference frame with origin equal to cluster’s orbital position


clustercentric reference frame with origin equal to cluster’s centre of density or centre of mass


galactocentric reference frame with origin at the centre of the galaxy


sky coordinate system, used when units are set to degrees

For clarity, it is worth expanding on the difference between StarCluster.origin='cluster' and StarCluster.origin='centre'. The motivation for the two separate reference frames stems from codes like NBODY6 where the orbital evolution of the cluster in the external tidal field is handled separately from the internal cluster evolution. Hence the cluster’s orbital position is integrated forwards in time from its initial conditions while the cluster’s centre of density (or mass) will wander slightly due to internal cluster evolution. The true centre may in fact wander a lot if tidal tail stars are kept in the simulation or the cluster reaches dissolution. Codes like NBODY6 provide snapshots where the origin is at the cluster’s orbital position (StarCluster.origin='cluster') and then provide the location of the cluster’s true centre separately to change to StarCluster.origin='centre'.

In most cases, the cluster’s centre may not be done. The centre can be determined using the find_centre() command, where the default option is to find the centre of density using the method of Harfst, S., Gualandris, A., Merritt, D., et al. 2007, NewA, 12, 357. Alternatively it is possible to find the centre of density using Casertano, S., Hut, P. 1985, ApJ, 298, 80 via find_centre(method='casertano'). If the centre of mass is preferred, use find_centre(density=False)

It is also important to note that converting to sky requires knowlendge of ro, vo, zo, and solarmotion, the default values of which are discussed above.

See Operations for information on operations that convert a StarCluster from one coordinate system to another.